Auf Wiedersehen - part 2

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"Beautiful, isn't it?" Fei said as we all surrounded the Kugelblitz.
"Oh Wow" Diego said walking in.
"That's what took Stanley" Lila said.
"Along with a few other billion people"
"Yeah who I didn't know and don't care about."
"Right. So it's all about you"

"All of us are irrelevant" Five interrupted Feis and Lilas Conversation.
"This thing is taking the whole damn universe" Five said getting closer to it.
"What is it made of" He asked.
"Micro black holes collapsing at increasingly short intervals" Sloane replied.

"Why aren't we getting sucked inside"
"Honestly we don't know you shouldn't exist here. Neither should this"
"An impossibility for an impossibility the universe is a sucker for balance."
"Grace has been tracking the waves next one is due in three hours"Fei said as I tried not to think about it.

"All right, so what do we do?" Diego asked.
"We trap it." Sloane said bluntly.
"Dyson sphere?"
Five clicked his tongue walking closer to Sloane folding his arms.
"Confinement factor"
"0.98 at peak energy flux"
"Tensile strength"
"UTS ceiling of 10,000 gigapascals" I interrupt getting bored.
"Now can we please talk about something else."

"Astrid that was hot" Lila said as i blowed her a kiss.
"What do you think,Five?" Allison said in a corner.
"Could work or we could all die horribly" Five said as I looked excited but no-one else did.

"I'm in" five said as Ben laughed.
"Your not the one we need" Ben said.
"Excuse you " Allison said like it offended her.
"For this to work, we need Sloane,Lila,Christopher, Viktor and..
Astrid" Fei said as Ben looked at me.
"Of course" Allison said walking away.

"Someone moody today" I said to Ben as he laughed.
"alright everyone let's go" Five said as everyone started to walk out.
"Astrid you coming" Ben said holding out his hand.
I nodded taking as we walked out together.

"Hey Astrid" Ben said as I looked at him.
"I'm glad your back whatever version you are"
"Me too"
"Astrid I love you"
"I love you too ben" I said as we both stopped walking as the others was long gone. As ben took his hand tilting my head up as he kissed me passionately as I kissed him back. He let go leaning his head on mine.

"I want to show you something follow me" Ben said taking my hand again leading me to his room. He opened the door and his bedroom was something.
A massive poster of himself above his bed then I looked towards his desk above it was lots of photos of i guess sparrow me and Ben.

I walked over there picking up a photo as I remembered it like it was yesterday. I picked up another one and the same thing happened again.
"Are you okay love" Ben asked as I turned my head towards him.
"Yes..... Yes I am" I said remembering all the things that has happened but still didn't know how I died.

"Ben...... It's me" I said as happy tears fell from my eyes.
"What do you mean its me you always be you? Are you high?" he asked as his eyes widened on the last part.
"Really high...... No you idiot I remember what happened I'm a sparrow" I said rolling my eyes at the first part.

"Wait..... It's you"
"It's me"
"It's you"
"That is what i just said"
"Oh my fucken God" Ben said as I hugged him tightly.
"But the only thing I don't remember is how I died"
"That doesn't matter I'm just glad you're back."

I heard footsteps approach as I let go of Ben the person was five.
"Astrid it's time" Five said giving me a smile as I nodded five nodded back then left.
"Let's go stop this Kugelblitz." I said as me and Ben walked out hand in hand to the basement.

We got there and joined the little circle that was around the Kugelblitz.
"Okay, how do we start" Viktor asked.
"Have you ever moved a nest of bees?"Sloane asked as I looked at her weirdly.
"No, because that's weird" Lila said.

"You can't just pick it up you have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it." Sloane said.
"Hehe pretty straight forward I guess" I mumbled as Sloane started to use her powers as it lifted her up.
"One of those blacks holes inside is vibrating at a different rate" Fei said looking at the Kugelblitz.

"I can feel them" Viktor said to Fei.
"Good whatever happens don't let them speed up or change or everything will blow."
"Don't shake the bees. Got it" Viktor said using his power as he turned blue as a shield formed around it.
"Lila, when you're ready do exactly like Viktor." Fei said to well Lila.

Lila began to form another shield.
"Hey, what's she doing" Luther asked Ben.
"Using its own gravity to condense it." Ben replied.
"That's pretty cool, huh?" Luther said smiling but Ben gave him a 'shut up' look.

"Okay now you Astrid because you are about darkness and shadows what you're going to do is using the darkness in this room and form a ball and touch the Kugelblitz now you don't have to do this because you are going to make direct connection with the Kugelblitz" Fei said as I paid attention to what she just said.

"No.... I'll do it" I said letting go of Bens hand walking closer to the Kugelblitz. I closed my eyes taking all the darkness in the room forming a ball just like Fei said.
I opened Viktors and Lila shield with my other hand as I took the black mist  moving it forward.

I touched the Kugelblitz as I screamed out in pain as I kept touching it. As the black mist fought with the Kugelblitz.
"You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God." Grace said walking in.
"Mom" Diego called out as I had to keep focus.

"You have no right to do that" Grace said walking in with a flamethrower.
"We're a little busy here, Grace" Luther called out as Diego walked towards her.
"The day of vengeance was in my heart."
"What are you talking about"
"And my year of redemption hath come" she said turning on the flamethrower.
"The day of vengeance was in my heart. And my year of redemption hath come" grace said as her voice became deep. Still having the flamethrower on.

"Can someone please deal with her" I shouted losing focus.
"Hey, mom, mom, mom" Diego said getting her attention as she stopped.
"It's Diego. Don't make us hurt you" Diego said.
"The day of vengeance was in my heart. And my year of redemption hath come" She kept going.

Lila started to lose focus because of Diego.
"Lila I need you" Sloane said making her go in focus again. Five time warped to grace and took her away.
I kept on the Kugelblitz still touching as it felt like my whole body was burning.

"Christopher, now" Sloane said as I let go letting Christopher do their thing as I stepped back holding my hand as Ben hugging me from behind.
I watched as Christopher trapped the Kugelblitz inside. As we all breathed out in relief.
As five joined us again,
"Did it work" he asked.
"Next Kugelwave in three, two, one." but nothing happened.

"FUCK YES WE DID IT OH MY GOD" I shouted happily.






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