Auf Wiedersehen - part 1

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I quickly left the room going to my room as blood followed me I took off my trousers seeing the cut, it was deep and dark crisome blood flowing out of it rapidly. I quickly open the draw next to the sink taking out medical supplies.

I washed my hands making sure no dirt will get in the wound then I used a clean cloth to gently press on the wound until it stopped bleeding then used I put a plaster on it then finally wrapping a band-Aid around it I couldn't be bothered to put my trousers so I took out some joggers and gently put them on.

I walked out the room hearing fives voice in the buffalo room.

Five is here?

I walked in on five talking to Diego and Lila about the door.
"When we met future me in the commission bunker, I warmed myself about Oblivion pogo told me...." He said but Diego cut him off.
"Wait,whoa,whoa pogo is alive" he asked.

"No deep shit probably this time line pogo" I said getting everyone attention.
"Good too see you Astrid" Five smiled as I nodded.
"Good too see you as-well five" I replied walking closer to them.
"Anyways we're not just gonna waltz back in there just because you say so" Lila said as Luther and Sloane walked in.

"Good. Because you're coming with us" Luther said as I turned around earning a smile from Sloane.
"This should be interesting" Five said.
"Where to?" I asked.
"Sparrow Academy" Sloane replied as a smile crept on my face.
"The world's ending, so I think it's time we put our petty bullshit aside....
And work together on this Kugelblitz" Luther said as I smiled.

Spoke like a true leader.

"Yeah? Or what" Diego asked.
"Or Stanley won't be the last of us to disappear... Come on." Lila said as they both left together.

It was just me in the room the buffalo room. I looked around to see if anything was a clue but it was just paintings and well buffalos lots and lots of Buffalos.

I sighed and left the room closing the door behind me as I made my way to the Sparrow Academy.

I walked for a couple of minutes finally arriving as I opened the door and walking in where I saw grace in the living room with a tray full of fresh baked cookies so I walked over to where grace was standing and saw everyone else.
I watched as Lila grabbed more than I handful of the cookies.
"Lovely to meet you" she said.

Grace walked around stopping in-front of Diego. Diego looked confused at her eye doing weird hand movements referring to his eye.
"Stabbed herself in the eye" Luther whispered.

I heard footsteps as Fei and Ben walked in.
"Welcome" Fei said while a raven caws loudly.
"Please make yourself at home."
"Bitch this is our home." Allison said rolling her eyes.
"Excuse Me" Fei said directly to Allison.

"Um jellybean" Luther offered to Fei trying to calm things down.
"Where the hell is Viktor and Klaus" Diego asked as I looked around not seeing Klaus or even Viktor.
"With our luck, probably Kugelblitz by now" Five said unfazed.

"Hey dickhead don't say that they are probably fine" I said slightly angry that he would say that.
"Oo what happened to your hand" Fei asked pointing to Diego half hand [fingers].
"We don't have time for idle chitchat. Everyone,sit down" Ben said as everyone sat down. I waited for most people to get their sits then told Diego to move along so I sat next to him and five.

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