Kindest cut - part 1

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I woke up on the floor as I was covered in dirt and dust as I placed my hands to where I got shot. I laid on my side seeing a girl and a bike.
"Oh great you again... So to what do i owe the pleasure this time" I said sitting up as she just looked at me not saying anything.

"Not talking, huh?" I said not expecting to get an answer.
"Well then listen.. I'm not in the mood for all your riddles and allegories" I said tired.
"And sick little parlor game's, okay."

"Can I just hang out for a little while to improve my tan?" I carried on talking as she still stared at me.

Okay then.

"All right can you just please tell me which way I'm supposed to go?" I asked as she pointed still not saying a word. I got up and started walking the way she pointed walking into a cornfield. I touched the corn as I was walking by coming to a beach with a small hut in the middle of it.

I looked at the pattern on the door knowing it looked familiar as I opened it walking in.
"What kind of snuff movie is this" I asked myself. I looked around and was shocked to see my young self in a corner sleeping.

"Hey...hang in there, lil me." As I heard footsteps from behind me getting closer and closer.
"Dad!" I said but he didn't hear me as a stopwatch was ticking.
"Experiment number 73 cessation of life function at 12 hours and 22 minutes restarting the timer to reanimation" he said doing exactly what he said restarting the timer.

As I stepped closer to lil me confused, as I stood back inhaling sharply. Getting took away in a blue light. I walked around seeing a bunch of teenagers at a party.
"All right! This is more like it" putting my hands out. I looked around seeing teen Klaus and teen Astrid?.

"Hey teen Klaus and Astrid" I said watching as they both took there steps on the edge of the building.
"Tonight we drink to childhood trauma" teenager Klaus and Astrid said putting thier bottles up in the air as they took steps back falling off the building.
"No, no don't" I shouted as I rushed over to the edge seeing their dead bodies on top off a car.

I was teleported to the buffalo room seeing Astrid and Stanley.
"Woah this is so cool."
"I swear be careful"
"Hey come on chop-chop stan. Gotta go see a man about the buffalo...."

As I watched me dying seeing Astrid rush over to me trying to keep me up but she couldnt as I watched myself fall to the floor.
"So these weren't near- death experiences these were actual death experiences but then how is Astrid still alive after falling off the building with teen me". I said to myself.


Me and stan was walking down the hallway holding different cleaning items as I heard diego call our names.
"Stan Astrid."
As we both quickened up our pace as we both had tears still in our eyes.

Diego quickened up making us turn around taking a cleaning supply from stan as he studied what it was.
"What is all this? Acid?" He said reading it.
"Well um you told me too clean up my own mess" he said.

"Yeah and I'm just um, helping him" trying to sound somewhat ok.
"I just have to thank you for teaching me such a valuable lesson" stan said as I tried to smile.
"Yeah I'm not buying it, what's going on" he said looking at me. I looked away. As he grabbed mine and Stanley arms.

"You both have blood on you" he said lowering himself down too Stanley height.
"Come on talk to me, hey I'm your dad and your kind of brother" he said looking at me.
"Um...ok but you have to promise you won't be pissed" Stanley said trying not to cry. As I looked away again feeling tears slip down as I wiped them away.

Stan and me started walking to the room as diego followed us as he walked in seeing Klaus on the floor dead as he walked up to him.
"What did you do" he asked having one hand on his head.
"Nothing" stan said as diego stood up and grabbed Stanley by the collar.
"Do not lie to me. This is my brother" he said as Stanley breathed rapidly.

"Diego he just a kid" trying to calm things down. But diego ignored me.
"Tell me what you did"
"We were just messing around and it was fine.... Until the gun went off"
Diego looked at the acid on the sofa and then looked at me then stan.

"And you two were going to dissolve the body" he said shouting as I closed my eyes trying not to cry.
"We didn't know what to else to do, okay" Stanley started to cry. As he started to go on about prison as I kneeled down next to Klaus moving his hair from his face starting to cry.

"Hey, hey, hey,hey" diego said calming stan down.
"I don't hate you okay and Astrid doesn't as well" He said looking to see if I didn't.
"I don't hate you Stan" I said giving him a sad smile then looking back at Klaus.

"All the stupid shit Klaus used to do" diego said looking at his body.
"I used too think Klaus could survive anything." I said standing up walking next to diego.
"I'm really sorry" Stan said hugging diego. Stan let go and walked up to me and hugged me as well.

"I'm so sorry aunt Astrid I'm so sorry" he said crying hugging me tight.
"It's ok Stan it's okay" I said patting him on the back. As I let go then diego hugged me.
"Oh Astrid I'm can't even imagine the pain your going through right now but I did know one thing Klaus loved you so so much you were his best friend and his role model I'm so sorry" diego said as I cried so more as diego broke from the hug giving me a light kiss on the forehead.

It was night when you 'died' my firefly




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