Wedding at the End of the World - final part

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"Father what are we doing in here" I asked looking around at a bare dark room.
"We are just going to see something." He replied.
"Now Astrid what I want you too do is to sit in that chair over their" Father said pointing to a white chair in the middle of the empty room.
"Okay..." I said walking up to the chair and sitting on it.

"I'm just going to inject a needle into you okay nothing harmful" Father said taking out a sharp needle from his pocket.
"Count back from 5" He said as i nodded.






As he put the needle in my arm say I shut my eyes waiting for it to be over.
"All done" He said as I looked at my arm.
"See nothing to worry about"

I heard footsteps coming from the door as I saw grace bring in a machine on a push table.
"Here you go sir Hargreeves" Grace said.
"Thank you grace now let's start" Father said as I looked at him weirdly.

Father turn on the machine as it beeped he plugged something in and walked over to me.
"I'm just going to put this on your head" He said placing a white thing on my hair.
"Now all I want you to do is to relax" He said as I tried to relax.

"Um sir there is something wrong" Grace said as I leaned forward but only got pushed back by Father.
"Relax" He said to me then walking over to Grace.
"What's wrong" He whispered to Grace.
"Look" She said pointing to the screen.

Sir Hargreeves looked at the screen in disbelief. It was some sort of picture of Astrid brain and half of it was black.
"That's not possible" He said looking closely.
"Grace send a wave to the brain" He demanded. As Grace sent one immediately.

I felt a shock in my brain as I screamed out in pain.
"Father stop it! Father please." I said tearing falling out of my eyes.
"I will just hold on" He said watching the machine.
"Stop it........" I cried out.
"STOP....." I screamed as black mist came out my mouth forming a massive knife pointing at Father.

"Incredible" Father said as I dropped off the chair to the floor as the knife disappeared.
I lied there still as a rock not able to move.
I watched as Father walked towards me.
"Father what happened?" I asked looking at him.

"Something incredible"


"Do you need help Ben" I asked as I watched Ben struggle with his suit.
"No I don't need help I can do it" He argued still failing to do his suit.
"Let me help" I said walking up to him slapping his hand away from his t
Suit as I helped him out.

"You look beautiful" Ben said as I blushed still stood there fixing his suit.
"Thanks you look beautiful as well" I replied.
"All done"
"Thank you Astrid now I guess we should be getting to this lame ass wedding"
"Shut up in the most loving way possible" I said smiling taking Ben's hand and leading him to everyone else.

"Oh my Astrid look at you wow" Klaus said walking up me with his arms out as I hugged him.
"Green is so your color" I said as he done a pose to show off his Green suit.
"Everyone in the elevator" Luther said as we all got in except Luther and Viktor.

It was pretty awkward in there no one spoke a word. I heard the elevator bell go as we all stepped out.
"Not sure this place is gonna be big enough" Klaus commented on the size of the room, I thought it was the perfect size.
"This better be an open bar" Allison said walking away like a moody bitch.

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