Wedding at the End of the World - part 2

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Sloane was passing around little gifts that she and Luther made all night last night. I watched as Sor Hargreaves and Klaus walked through the door.
"Dad?" Ben said looking at him in disbelief.
"Oh my  Klaus your ok" I said going up to him and giving him and hug in which Klaus returned instantly.

"Hey" he said as I let go walking back to Ben.
"Oh thank god" Viktor said to Klaus.
"Gather around children quickly now!" Sir Hargreeves said.
"Where the hell have you been" Diego asked Klaus.

"Oh, Reg and I we got all tangled up in whole father-son-end-of-the-world 
Road trip kinda thing" Klaus replied as Ben looked slightly jealous but also upset.
"You two are hanging now?"  Ben asked still in disbelief.
"Yeah, we laughed we cried, we played in the traffic" Klaus said as i giggled at the traffic part because of what Ben said earlier.
"And long story short, I'm immortal now" Klaus said flexing his muscles well trying too.

"That's amazing Klaus" I said happily as he gave me a smile.
"Klaus have you gotten into the bath salts again" Allison asked.
" I think the more pertinent question is why are you playing with jars" Sir Hargreeves asked looking at Luther and Diego.
"They're invitations" Sloane said passing him one.

"Nobody's playing" Luther responded to Reginald question.
"Luther and I are getting married" Sloane said as Reginald looked at the jar.
"All of space and time is collapsing and you lot are planning a wedding" Sir Hargreeves asked.
"Yeah and uh the thing is Um space is limited so it's kind of a per plate situation so you know" Luther said getting up talking to Reginald.

"Is this how I raised you? To fiddle while Rome burns" Sir Hargreeves said having a little outburst but klaus stepped in whispering something to Reginald.
"Quiet I'm on a roll" Sir Hargreeves said as Klaus walked back letting Reginald talk.

"Dad have you been taking your pills" Sloane asked.
"As a matter of fact, I haven't." Reginald replied to her question.
"And I can confirm that I've never felt better in my life."He confirmed.
"You thought you could dope me up and slow me down" he said kept going on and on.

"Well Klaus here was good enough to wean me off that wretched poison" Sir Hargreeves said pointing at Klaus.
"And now the fog is lifting I can see your dastardly designs with a bracing clarity"

"You took him off his meds what were you thinking" Sloane said directly to Klaus as Klaus shrugged his shoulders.
"Clearing he's the only one doing any thinking at all, all of you could learn a thing or two from this impressive young man" Sir Hargreeves said as Diego began to laugh.

"The world really is ending! Oh my god" Diego said still laughing.
"As for you rest of you your training is to resume post-haste we're running out o time we have a mission to complete" Sir Hargreeves said getting frustrated.
"I'm ready. Let's do this" Ben said as I looked up at him hugging him feeling sorry for him.

"Let me guess project oblivion" Five said.

Wait I've heard that name before.

I thought for a good minute but I couldn't think of it.
"How do you know about this" Reginald asked shocked.
"I heard all about it from pogo" Five said.
"Now there's a name I haven't heard in some time" Sir Hargreeves replied.

"And he confirmed what I've always suspected about you" five said.
"Which is"
"That you're a sadistic lunatic who's planning on gambling all of our lives in another pointless mission"
" I wouldnt say all your lives" Reginald said quietly so no one could hear him.

"And you take the word of a disgruntled chimp over that of your own father " Reginald asked as five time jumped in front of Reginald.
"Every damn day" Five replied as I turned Ben.

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