1 0 . c h i l d h o o d m e m o r y

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After pulling away from the last person I hug, Nate, I wave my hand at everyone as they decide to go their separate ways. The twins and Qailah are heading back inside the mall as apparently they want to get a few things for a project the three are doing together. Amber is leaving with David and Kat, back to school since they want to attend the last class. I don't understand why because it's a Friday, they should live a little.

That leaves Avery and I. I didn't have a choice when I realized I could either go back to school, or take Avery's offer of him taking me back to my dorm. I took it, stupidly, but he said he was heading in that direction anyway.

When everyone goes separate ways, I turn to face Avery who steps aside and nudges his head for me to start walking towards the entrance. This is the entrance he used when he came to the mall with Kat, and Amber, where as I came with David and the twins came with Qailah, of which we came through a different entrance. They basically have to walk through the mall and use an elevator to get to the correct floor.

The both of us exit the mall and head towards the parking lot. Just before it, there's this huge open space that tends to be occupied by lovers or even friends — usually to take pictures since having a picnic right by the mall entrance isn't exactly the best idea.

The hand at the small of my back peels off the moment we come to an abrupt stop because Avery's phone starts ringing deep within his pocket. He indicates wordlessly for me to stop, and then fishes for the device before answering it. I stand there for a good moment, eyes lowered and wandering between his shoes and mine that happen to be not too far from each other.

After that moment, Avery shifts away from me and turns his back towards me, almost like he doesn't want me to hear more of what's being shared on the line. I awkwardly move a bit to allow people to go past me on either side, and then begin to wander closer to the parking lot.

I mean, I want to go back to my dorm, but considering my means of transport is Avery, I can only impatiently wait for him to finish his call and take me.

As easy as that, even if it doesn't seem that easy, now that I think about it.

In the slight distant, I hear the sound of my name. At first I think it could be anyone's name since it isn't that rare, but curiosity pulls at the strings of my heart so my eyes greedily glance over at the caller.

I see him. I don't recognize him at first, but I see a boy head towards me with a grin on his face. Familiarity whispers in my ear and tingle these pupils of mine, and the closer he steps towards me, the more and more familiar he gets. To the point where I gasp and cover my mouth.


"The one. The only." He grins and then stops right before me, and without a second thought, my arms wrap around his tall frame with squeaks of excitement and shock, which makes him laugh as he embraces me back.

Gosh, he still smells the same. Like watermelon and cigarettes.

Menzi Tshabalala. I've known him for a long time. Not only was he part of the group more than five years ago, but he always was like a big brother even despite me being older than him. His light complexion, dimple on one side, hair quite short but edges are sharp to the crisp. He looks amazing. I have to pull away from the hug and stare at him some more just for confirmation.

He works out; he must be, because his body is amazing. And never mind how I used to be taller than him, he is literally competing with the Eiffel Tower.

I'm being dramatic, but he is tall!

"Oh my word, Menzi! Since when?"

"We haven't seen each other since, Zeze." He grins at me, dimple popping out. His eyes wander the short length of my body before stopping at my chest. "Wow. And look at you. Looking all grown up. I see you finally have breasts—"

Along came AveryWhere stories live. Discover now