4 6 . j u s t w o r d s

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Short chapter ahead.

So so sorry. But when you work for a media company that will suck you dry and clean to the bone of every last creative ability you have, you literally have no motivation to finish your own creative works.

But my internship ends soon 😀


Maybe I want him to take initiative— it's always hotter when somebody else takes initiative. I blink at him, waiting for him to kiss me first even despite him saying try again, as in try and kiss him again since now I'm more or less his height. With my unoccupied hand, I raise it to his jaw, holding it in my hand before leaning forward, nose bumping right into his so I pull away and look up at him.

Despite him smirking once more and it accompanied an eye roll, he leans forward a bit. "Come forward, Bubbles."

I do, and he tilts his own head a bit and just like that, nose rubbing against each other, our lips press against each other and immediately, tingles shoot through my skin and up my cheeks and down my chin. Immediately I pull back, laughing a bit as I let go of his jaw and press my lips with my fingers.

"I like that, the tingles."

He gives a small smile, left hand moving from my thigh right to the right side of my neck, fingers pressing against my neck as though trying to pull me closer. "You want to feel more?"

Heavens have mercy on my soul. I'm nodding, because why not?

He then holds my neck firmly, pulling me closer my my throat before placing his lips right on mine, bringing back the same tingles. Again, I pull away, laughing with my head thrown back as I touch my lips yet again.

"Stop pulling away, Zinhle." Hmm, his voice vibrates in me, and once again he pulls my neck to his, putting his lips on mine. With my own eyes closed, his hand moves from the front of my neck to the back, making sure to hold me intact so I don't pull away again.

Before I know it, our tongues are dancing... wrestling maybe explains it better, and I moan at the contact. My cheeks tingle at the sound, I place my hand on his chest to either push him away or pull back and he respectfully erases on the hold at the back of my neck. Greedily, I suck in air as his dangerous lips trail down my chin right to my neck; familiar trails shift to the small area he has familiarised himself with, so I'm gripping his shirt when he licks and kisses and bites on the area, having me moan softly but with both butterflies and embarrassment in my gut.

On second thought, maybe it's not so bad of an idea for us to, you know... considering we're in this compromising position.

Avery pulls away and then moves his hand back over my throat and pulls me to him once more, pressing his lips against mine. It's such a surreal feeling. When he does pull away, he licks the bottom of my lip and I flatter my eyes open to look right into his hooded eyes. He blinks a bit as he licks his own lips, humming softly before he chuckles at my dazed expression.

Two heartbeats now.

He leans forward a bit and presses a peck on my lips yet again, before landing one right on my forehead.

"You should probably go change—"

"I mean we can stay here as well, you know? Like this..." I motion between us, and even as emphasis, I squeeze my knees on either side of him. "And do... things—"

"I don't think that's wise, Zinhle." He chuckles and pulls back a bit.

"What if I said I'm ready—"

"Then I promise, another time would be better." Both hands raise to my face and he sighs softly, pecking my lips a few. "But right now, that can't happen. Don't make this harder than I already am." He smirks when my eyes go wider. "We're skipping uni today. Go get dressed, won't you?"

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