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My sister hasn't responded to my last message. I had to reach out to my mother — who, mind me, didn't tell me when they arrived home safe — to ask if things were okay at home and all I got was 'she's fine'. That, to me, makes me think that perhaps I should go home for a weekend. Get away from this mess I'm in thanks to the lovely Prince Avery and take a breather at home. Bond with my sister.

I try explaining that to Amber and for some reason, she agrees.

"It would be great for the both of you."

"Perhaps." I mutter, closing my laptop. "She's just been quiet. It just doesn't feel right, you know?"

"Have you tried calling her?" The blonde girl leans against my bedroom door frame.

"I did. She didn't answer or call back."

"Definitely head home if you must. Maybe next week? This Saturday, there's a party Kat mentioned some time last week and I believe she told you guys as well. Thought it would be cool if we all went."

Parties. I don't feel like going to a party. I feel like going into hibernation for a good while. Having a momentary death, to push it further. Not existing for a bit. Starting again, but that would mean moving away from here and starting afresh. I can't do that; it was a lot moving here and developing a new life and lifestyle. Doing that again would be trauma.

Plus, Avery would probably follow and make my life hell from the beginning. Can't have that.

"I'll see." I mutter.

"Okay. Well, hurry up and get your stuff. Lunch hour is soon and Qailah is bringing us food. I want some."

I giggle, shaking my head as Amber dances away from my room and to hers, perhaps to gather her own stuff. I get up, take my laptop and put it in a side bag along side a few of my notebooks for today. I grab my phone and switch it on, scoffing when I see it on 32%. I left it to charge, why didn't it charge?

I look at the problem and what do I know, the outlet wasn't fully plugged in. I kick it in. The sound of the phone charging vibrates around my room, but I click my tongue and disconnect my phone.

After gathering everything, I walk towards my door, giving myself a quick look over. I look... decent. Pretty soon I'll have to undo my braids and perhaps redo them? I don't put effort in how I look and maybe I should actually start doing that. I can't live on sweats all the time.

The days are getting warm. Maybe when spring is here, I'll wear more nicely.

"Ready?" Amber stops outside my room, thrusting in a few things in her own bag. I now take note of her outfit; tight jeans that make her legs look delicate, and a plain black top that hugs her boobs well.

How does it feel to actually have breasts? I can't relate, I guess.

"Yah. Let's go."

The walk to school seemed quite longer than any other day. Probably because it seemed to be busier on the streets and more people roaming about, which makes sense because it's close to lunch time for us and I guess neighbouring businesses. Small food trucks are nearby so maybe people are buying food.

When we do arrive at uni, Amber parts with me as she says she needs to meet up with a few people. I decide to head to our normal location, smiling and greeting my friends. With hugs, considering Avery isn't present.

"How do you feel?" Kat asks me as I settle down besides Nate. He's hesitant, I can sense it, but he doesn't shift away.

"I feel—"

"About yesterday," David adds in with an eyebrow up. "Yesterday was a lot and I know most of us didn't know what that was about."

I nod, placing my bag on the cement table and licking my lips — partially at the smell and sight of the huge Tupperware filled with lovely Indian cuisine placed right at the centre.

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