5 2 . h a p p y b i r th d a y

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There's muttering in the background, which confuses me because I am thinking... shouldn't I be dead? Shouldn't I be decreased, in a hospital with doctors telling my devastated parents that I died of poisoning. I killed myself. I acted out of impulse, let judgement cloud my proper thinking and then proceeded to drink the poisoned drink.

I was stupid and paid my actions by death.

Instead, as my consciousness kicks in and as I gain feeling in every limp of my body — slowly but surely — I feel myself on what I can assume is a bed, and I hear muttering. They sound familiar. Actually, the one should sound familiar. The other shouldn't.

With a deep breathe in and a long exhale, my eyes flatter open and the first thing I come to see is the ceiling. I'm blinking at it a few times to gain my vision. The room then becomes silent for a bit before I hear footsteps shift and head towards me. It doesn't take long before I see Avery's face come to view, side ways, and with an frown on his face. His hazel eyes take in all of my features, and then his raises his hand to my face, snapping his thumb and index as if to gain my attention.

"There, there. Bubbles..." he chuckles softly, leaning down and placing a peck on my forehead. "You're awake. I started to think that maybe you really did drink the wrong one."


I feel him put both hands under my armpits and then get me to a comfortable sitting position against his pillows. He then backs away a bit, so I move my eyes to his, feeling them sting as I think of what just happened moments before.

What the hell time is it anyway?


"You fainted. I think you had a panic attack. It was the coke."

"You... you know?"

He chuckles, rolling his eyes as he stands up straight and folds his arms. "I'm not stupid." Before I can mutter another word, maybe along the lines of 'sorry', I hear a clearing of a throat on the otherwise of the room, and Avery hums as he shifts away from me so I can see who it is.

In the flesh, from head to toe, as if it's a perfect dream that I can't even tell if it's reality or just me — and possibly Avery — hallucinating, there stands Michaela with her hands by her side and a small smile to her face. Her hair is pin straight, reaching just under her breasts. Her breasts, larger than life but it suits her. She's curvy, partially tall and if I wasn't crossing the line to losing my mind, I'd probably get to my feet right this instance and run to her.

I don't. I can't. I think every fibre in my body has taken a good long pause just for my brain to process the possibility and the fact that there she is, in the same room as me breathing the same air I am, staring at me as I do her.

I think my heart just stopped beating.

Avery makes the first move, moving away from his bed — as now I realise I am in his room and it's still night time — and waves his hand at her. "Closer, Kayla. She doesn't bite."

Well, I'm biting my tongue, that's for sure.

She follows suit, eyeing him a bit nervously before she comes closer towards the bed. She then runs her Jean covered thighs as she takes a breather, and smiles some more. "Hi, Zeezoo. I'm... so happy to see you."

Avery steps back some more as if to give us room, but since it is his room, he lingers by the bedroom door with arms crossed over his chest, watching us silently.

"Zinhle," I look back at her. Her blue eyes bat at mine. "I know it's a lot to process, and I am sure you have some questions that need answers. I get that..."

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