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The sound of my phone ringing jolts me back into existence. Right back into this restaurant, sitting alone at a table towards the back, I guess patiently waiting for Mrs Jones to show up. I know I came early, and most of that decision has to do with the fact that I've know Mrs Jones long enough to know that being on time to anything is crucial for her.

Maybe I'm trying to impress her, yet she's the one late now. That's okay, though.

Avery went to his parents' place after the whole group confrontation and addressing the whole murder thing, and said I'd see him on Friday if not tomorrow. Friday is my birthday, which I'm kind of anxious about, the more I think about it. It will be the first time spending my birthday with him alone, because any other time he was present at whatever birthday event I would have all those years ago, him and I would suddenly argue about the smallest of things.

He pushed me in the pool the one time knowing very well I couldn't swim properly; this was on my sixteenth birthday party. Or was it seventeenth? He reacted that way because I may or may not have kicked him square between his legs. I only did that because he wouldn't stop bothering me about how my swimming costume was small... because at that time, I was partially on the curvier side.

He was an ass back then. He still kind of is, but I enjoy it now more than ever.

When my phone's ringtone announces itself again, I look down at it, eyebrow quickly raising at the caller ID. Nate. Nate's calling.

I slowly pick up my phone, staring at it ring right until it stops, revealing my lock screen. The black screen reflects my face — I look confused more than anything. Before I could even examine myself, it lights up and rings again, glaring his name right to my eyes.

With a soft sigh, I swipe to the right and then raise the phone to my ear. "Ahm... hello?"

"Hey... hey. Zee."


"Yeah. It's me. Hey." He clears his throat, meanwhile my eyes wander around the restaurant mindlessly. "I hope I'm not calling at a bad time."

"I kind of am meeting somebody right now. I don't think I have the time to talk. We can... I don't know, talk later—"

"It won't take long, I swear. Even if it's two minutes, you can even count if you want. I just really feel the need to say this to you."

So, my stomach clenches at his words and I lick my lips. What does he want to say at a time like this? He can't wait until I get back on campus later on again or tomorrow?

I inhale. "I'm listening."

"Yeah. Okay. So, ahm... so yeah. I just... look, these last few weeks have been a lot for us, I know. All of our emotions were all over the place, you know, with Avery coming into the group and my feelings for you and just the way you handled things. Including me, the way I handled things. It's just been a mess. I think what made things worse was Amber telling us about your old friend and Avery's relationship. I don't know, it just made me not trust you anymore because I felt you were playing both sides of the fence. And then finding out you murdered somebody—"

"I didn't."

"I know. I now know." He clears his throat again, and I lick my lips. "That's why I'm calling. I know we all apologised but I feel like I should have apologised personally and I just... Zee." I hear a bit of shuffling in the background. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry about the way I treated you and the names I called you. Just the way I handled things, I really am sorry. It was stupid and immature of me, it was. I want you to know how sorry I am and... I just want things to go back to the way they were."

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