2 8 . h i s m o u r n i n g

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"You're coming to the party on Saturday, right?"

I pout, plugging the kettle as my nose scrunches up. "Ahm... hmm. Good question."

"Come on. Everyone's going."


Nate sighs softly, I can imagine he's nodding his head. "Yeah. Avery apparently will be there too."

"Hmm." I nod, hearing the kettle now boil. "I have to think about it, really. I'm not sure how I feel about being around him."

"Understandable. The past few days have been enough, huh?"

"Exactly." I lean against the counter, staring at the small balcony.

I didn't go to uni today — I don't have any sessions today and it would be a waste going to school for nothing. I mean it would be nice to see Nate and hang with him. I can imagine Monday and yesterday must have been a lot for him to process, because of course Avery was the root of all this drama, but taking a break from the group, too, is something I thought I should do today.

They seem fine, no one sent a complaint in the group about me not rocking up, so I can presume they are fine.

"Zee...?" His voice sounds wavering.

"I'm here. I don't know, I'll think about Saturday. You'll get your answer that morning, how's that?"

"That's fine. I really want you to come but if you can't, rather not force yourself. Just to be safe. You've got to trust your gut feeling, so..."

"Exactly. So I'll just see how I feel for the rest of the week and then, yeah. I'll decide."

"Okay. And, ahm, I was thinking you and I could hang out?"

I turn my head to the kettle when the boiling ceases. I didn't even prepare my cup of tea. As I get up, I pout at my phone. "Like, a date?"

Nate chuckles over the line through the speaker. "Doesn't have to be a date."

"No, no. I don't mind it being a date. I just want to make sure we're on the same page." I open a cabinet and pull out a spoon.

"Okay. A date."

"Yes." I get out a cup and let the spoon drop in. "A date. How about on Friday after sessions? Actually, actually," I wave my hand, giggling when I realise I didn't even let him say all of his idea. "Where did you want to go and when?"

I get out a teabag and sugar. "Well, Friday works for me. I was thinking maybe... we could walk around the park. Get some fast food and just sit and talk. Nothing too much. Now that I think if it," He chuckles. "It's not really a date, is it?"

"If we call it a date, it's a date. That's all that matters. And, I like the idea, so we can do that."

"Okay." He sighs softly, and I smile as I pour water into my cup. "That's cool, too. Ahm... so, what's your plan for today?"

"Oh." I put the kettle back in its place and slowly stir. "So... Avery is... coming over." Nate doesn't respond. I stop stirring and walk towards my phone. "It's for the project. I think the sooner him and I get started, the sooner we don't have to work together anymore. I had a free today and I thought it would make sense to just start and at least try finish it today."

"So you two will be together in your dorm? Alone?"

I also don't like the sound of that. "Yes."

"Wouldn't it make sense for you guys to be in a public place?"

"It would. Don't worry though. Amber will be back soon so she'll be here if anything happens. The two of them already seem to be stepping toes on each others' nerves so, nothing will happen." I go back for my cup and take a sip quickly and then head to my room with the handle of it in my hand. "I'm telling you this so you don't worry. So that we keep being honest to each other. I just thought it would be crazy if you found out from him. You know, now, how he is."

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