c o n c e r n s

520 35 44

Not an update, but please read.

Addressing a few things because I think it's about damn time now.

Firstly, shout out to all the lovers who were here since day one (as in the first books), and shout out to everyone else who comments and votes and added my books to their reading lists. Y'all make this all worth it.

Now, I love reading comments. Y'all are hilarious and got me geeking and blushing when I read your comments. I love hearing your perspectives and thoughts, and the reasonings behind them, and y'all got me anxious because I'm like dang what if they figure it all out before it even ends? On top of that, most of y'all are so respectful in the comment section; I know you may not agree with everything in all of my books, but you don't make me feel crap for what I write.

So, I'm not addressing you guys. This is to those who feel ✨entitled

It's one thing commenting that you don't like a character. Understandable, I don't like many characters too (altho I don't comment about it). It's a whole different thing when you hate on a character to the point where you're actually bashing me. That's where I draw the line. I've seen a good amount of comments of people not liking a character of how they behave or something which is cool, but there are some of y'all who drag me as the author into it, basically questioning why I made a character a certain way or why I couldn't make better characters or a better story in general.

I'm sorry 😀 I didn't know we're competing. I thought I'm here to express my creativity with you guys, and geek about things and just enjoy reading. I didn't know I have to impress you otherwise it would cost my emotions and mental state.

Here's a prime example that infuriates me more than anything:

People (and I mean us black readers) wanting the main character to be a strong black woman, who is thick in all the right places, who is either light skinned or dark skinned not in between. She has to be established with an education, drives an expensive car and is a boss bish with her own business — she needs to be a CEO or something of high power. She needs to back-talk, shouldn't be submissive, and needs to have had many boyfriends. Needs to be sex-deprived or unrealistically sexually active and every man that looks at her needs to bow at her feet. She needs to have an attitude and stand up for herself, has to have smart comments and knows how to fight.

Sounds familiar?

Right, so how many of us can relate to this character? How many of us are this character in real life? How many of us are tired of reading the same damn thing in every bwwm book, or any other book in general? How many of us want this to be the same for every other book?

Then, why do we have these measures for every black female character, but never for any other race? The white man in the book can be the next Jeffery Dahmer, but we will lick his balls properly just because he is white and a male. The white girl in the books can look like anything, and we will either love her or hate her (typically because she's racist before anything else). But let it be the black girl, and we have a whole checklist of how she must be, no questions asked and not one flaw on her.


I, for sure, am tired of reading carbon copies of the same thing. Literally, same character, different book. Same personality, different book. Same appearance and mentality, different book. I'm tired, dudes and dudetes. I need something different.

I make the difference. Myself and many others create different books with a different black woman. Why? Probably because not all black woman are boss b's who have sassy attitude and a fat ass. Not all black women are dominant and know how to fight. Some of us are actual softies and I refuse to be one of those who have to feel bad for not being "the standard black woman". If you are, that's great, but to hell with that if it means myself and many others must feel less than.

With that being said, I won't make the "standard black female character" the main character in any of my books. I'll make dumb characters, who are softies. I'll make them not to be the type to sleep around (altho I mean I guess as long as she's open to it, maybe? Still debating about this). I'll make them the type to not be a b'tch at every opportunity. I won't make her curvy (and I love me curvy women don't get me wrong) with wavy long hair that sweeps the ground. I just won't.

And if that's a problem, leave? I don't remember any of us, who are actually enjoying the change, force you to read another word. You're legit taking up space in the comment section, complaining about something clearly intentional in the book. Let the rest of us enjoy the book, please!

F'ck me. I don't get paid to write. I already have an internship that drains me dry, and despite me complaining I still get paid. But it's so different when I do this for free on wattpad for the love of it, and people make me feel like I shouldn't be writing at all. Hoe, pay me before you critique me. Dang.

Sorry. You're not a hoe. But dang you're a pain.

One last thing.

I'm addressing a specific person. I won't name names but babe, you had me ready to hack your account and make your life hell. I get it; people come to your page and beg you to read their books and give feedback. That's amazing for you! But don't go leaving your comments talking about "I'm a person who critiques books, no offence". The f'ck you mean no offence? Nah, ALL offence taken! The hell? I didn't ask you to critique my book, I never begged for it, so why are you making it seem like you're doing me a favour? I'm screaming!

I won't even lie, I laughed. But not because it was funny, but because of the cheek and temerity you found, to imply that you were doing me a favour, and that my book wasn't good or met your standards 😃 what? I didn't know I was writing for you, I am so sorry.

Goodness me.

Anyway... thank you guys so much for supporting my books man! Urgh you guys are amazing. Don't worry I won't suddenly delete my account or books because I'm a sad b. I won't. I'll be uploading next week.

Thinking of starting a new book. Thoughts?


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