2 3 . s p e a k u p

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sxrndipxty Shout out to you!

Enjoy y'all <3


"We'll call you when we arrive." My mother swoons, cupping my face with her hand as she smiles down at me. Her high heels make her seem beyond taller then me when really, I'm a good three inches taller than her. "Don't cause any trouble."

I nod, smiling a bit. "I won't mama. Be safe."

With a bright smile, she pulls away from me and leaves my dorm, closing the door after her. I take a deep breath and sigh, turning around to look at Amber who has such a mischievous look on her face. She folds her arms and leans her weight on one hip.

She's in her gym attire, almost suffocating her boobs so they partially spill out the material of her bra. She looks hot. As always, I guess. Must be amazing.

"Don't even start."

"What? I can't look at you with the expectation of you telling me what happened? I saw him, you know?"


"Avery." She stands tall before dropping her arms. "I saw him leave the dorm. He seemed... out of it. I come here and what do I know, I find your parents here asking if you're pregnant." She walks towards the mini kitchen, eyeing me with an eyebrow up. "I didn't hear you get a beating, so that's a good thing. But I do want to know why your parents were here and why Avery was here."

I sigh, shaking my head and shift towards the kitchen. "Avery came but we didn't even get to talk much. I happened to be on the phone with Nate. My parents came in and just saw us." She doesn't need to know the details. I wave my hand at her dismissively. "They of course were going to question it."

She hums, pouring herself a glass of water. She leans against the sink and watches me as she takes a sip. Slowly.

I pout, rubbing my forehead. "Yeah..."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Right." I can, can't I? "Yes. I know that."

"So? What's up with you and Avery? And be real with me."

I sigh before slumping against the one of two kitchen stools. My heart thumps at the thought of me coming out with the truth to Amber. She hasn't ever given me reason not to trust her. She hasn't acted shady towards me. She was always willing to listen, still is; I see her give me an encouraging smile.

I scratch the stop of my head and lick my lips. "Avery and I... I was being honest about us not being together. We aren't. We... haven't." Amber's eyebrows furrow. "Yeah. We haven't been together. He came here and he lied to everyone about him and I. We aren't and haven't been together. I don't want him, but the boys in our group think he does. They believe him."

"He lied? Why?"

"Because." I sigh, eyes closed for a moment before I lick my lips again. "It's because of something that happened in the past and now... he's back to get revenge." Amber's eyes lower down in thought. I press on with it when I see the gears turning. "He's out to get me, Amber. He said it himself. He's out to get revenge. He's hurting and he feels the only way he can get over it is to hurt me. Mentally and emotionally. He's gonna— he's gonna turn everyone against me, until I'm isolated and left out and then he might just k— end me. He'll end me."

Amber places her grass in the small sink and then walks towards me with a concerned look on her face. She stands opposite me with the small counter between us. She places both her manicured hands on the table and sighs softly. "Why does he want revenge?"

Along came AveryWhere stories live. Discover now