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"I'm sending your assignments back. I want you to take your time and go through it. If you feel like I missed the mark somewhere or you need clarity, do come forth. Otherwise, I've already sent your new assignments via email. We're about to go through it in just a moment." Our lecturer shifts in his seat, glancing up at the lecture room partially filled with students.

He then stands up, waving the printed soft stack before handing it to a random student. I'm assuming it has our mark recordings there.

I'm here, seated at the corner with my arms folded over my chest. I'm here by force — I chose to sit here, however Avery decided he'd keep me company; his words, not mine. Not once did he spare me a glance afterwards, though, nor did he peep a word toward me. He's been extremely quiet. He also has his arms folded over his chest — I can tell since I spare glances over at his almost immobile form — and his head faces forward, mindlessly focused ahead.

From where I'm seated, I can see his long lashes batting his cheeks every time he blinks. I can see the length of his nose, the small button at the end. His eyes are partially covered by his thick strands of hair hanging over his forehead. Some are tucked behind his ear though, and I guess I can truly say this is the first time I notice his Helix piercing; the earring is the small hoop, silver in colour, and for some reason it makes his ear all the more attractive. I even can see how thick his lips are, how smooth it seems, and then the curve of his jaw.

I don't know what's he's thinking, but whatever it is, it's doing me the biggest favour by keeping him distracted. The more distracted he is, the less he would think of irritating me, and therefore, this day could almost be the first day Avery has not harassed me.

Maybe 'harassed' is a big word, but it sure suits the situation between him and I.

My fingers glide back and forth against the material of my soft jacket, and my eyes lower down to my long skirt covered thighs, and then close. This is peace, the peace I used to have before Avery came along. I mean, during those times, I'd be in my own head, but even still, this is what it used to be like.

However, there's a small part of me. A piece of me that feels... bothered? Why isn't he bothering me? Why isn't he looking at me? Why is he pretending I'm suddenly invisible? Did I do something wrong? Is he tired of me now, and no longer willing to go forth bothering me?

Why am I bothered by this? As if I didn't want him to, in the first place.

We sit in silence right up until the sheet comes to us. Avery pushes it to me first after a girl in front of us hands it to us. I glance at him, and then pick up the sheet. I look for my name, and then my mark.

68%. Not that bad. Could have been better if I put more effort into it. My eyes shift for Avery's quickly, and I choke on saliva when I see his mark.

93%. How? He literally started last week, how could he get distinctions?

Avery's fingers get hold of the sheet and he pulls it towards him. He searches for his name, check his marks, and then he gets up his feet and heads to the front, perhaps to give back the sheets. Meanwhile, I shift his chair further from mine, wanting to see what would happen if he saw the distance between us.

When he does come back, he doesn't shift his chair back to where it was; he simply settles back down on the chair and folds his arms over his chest. Like I'm not here. Like I'm yet again, invisible. Unbelievable.

This is literally how the rest of the session goes. Not once does he look at me and I also end up no longer checking on him.

When our lecturer dismisses us students, I get up to my feet and grab my bag, watching Avery stand up as well and head out. My head tilts to the side as I watch him, before shaking my head and following, stopping now and again to let other students walk before me. I smile at the few who thank me randomly.

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