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I was drunk as fuck. I think my Houston friends party harder than my friends from New York.

I've been here for months so I'm pretty adjusted to Houston now. I have friends. I basically joined their friend group, so it wasn't hard at all for me to become friends with them.

They're all crazy party girls. I got so drunk that I wanted to kiss them and beat all their asses at the same time.

I think I might've actually kissed one of them. I don't know, it's been a long night.

Usually when I'm drunk I would text Bey but Bey doesn't exist.

At least not that Bey.

I doubt the other one would be up but I texted her anyway.

: are you up?

I saw the bubble with the three dots almost right after.

real bey 🐝: If you mean if I'm awake then, yes. But I'm in bed so I'm not really up.

: you're so weird but in a good way

: like you make it work

real bey 🐝: Thank you?

real bey 🐝: Are you okay?

: i'm slightly intoxicated

: off the casamigossss

: 🥴

real bey 🐝: I don't know what that is

: it's tequila

: have you ever drank before?

real bey 🐝: No

: don't ever drink in your life sweet beyoncé

: like i wanted to fuck and fight and everything in between this is dangerous

real bey 🐝: You're in danger?

: i'm saying the drink is dangerous

real bey 🐝: Like it's effects?

: yeah that

real bey 🐝: Are you safe Onika?

: i'm home

: are you a lesbian?

real bey 🐝: I'm only attracted to women

: you don't even seem like you would be attracted to anything

: like you would think it would be disrespectful to be attracted to someone

real bey 🐝: well sometimes i stop myself from thinking certain things because it's too disrespectful

: so you get horny and stuff?

: 😭

real bey 🐝: I'm human

: that's funny to me idk

: you masturbate?

real bey 🐝: That's a personal question

: 😭😭😭😭

: i'm cryingggg that means yes

: little sweet beybey flicks the beannnn 😭😭

real bey 🐝: Why are you crying?

: i'm not crying i'm laughing

: what type of porn do you watch?

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