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Yoongi POV:

*2 days later*

"Hyung I just don't understand why she can't stay with us," Jungkook whined as he leaned back in the rolling chair, I sat at my desk putting the rest of the finishing touches of 'Spring Day'. I rolled my eyes as I looked over to the younger male as he stared at the ceiling with his arms crossed across his chest. 

"I don't want any more attention put onto her Jungkook, and not to mention, us. We're about to have an album release, and I don't think it would be a very smart Idea to have any bad PR," I spat at the boy, returning my attention to the song that was pulled up on my computer, the boy huffing. 

Jungkook slightly tapping his foot, while the rest of the room was silent. The music playing through my headphones, my head slightly nodding to the song. "Yoongi," I hummed as I turned around to see Namjoon peeking through my door, slowly letting himself in. "How's the song coming along?" He asked as he pulled a chair up to me, I hand my headphones off to the leader as I rewinded the song. 

"Just unplug the headphones Hyung, I want to hear it too," Jungkook stated as he sat up from the chair, rolling it to the both of us. My phone buzzing in my back pocket, I quickly excused myself as I clicked play. Walking out of the room, answering the phone and putting it up to my ear. 

"(Y/n), good morning," I greeted as I closed the door behind me, leaning up against the wall. 

"Morning Yoongi, um so tell me why I've been staying everywhere except at the dorm with you idiots," I could hear Jaehyun yelling in the background at my sister, obviously offended that she didn't enjoy his company. 

"Album is about to release, we can't have any bad PR," I looked down at my left hand, playing with my fingers as my sister sighed on the other side of the phone. 

"Eomma wants me to come back home Yoongi," I could hear the venom in her voice as she said 'Eomma', and I scoffed. "She said that Paparazzi is gone, and that I have no business being in Seoul. She thinks you're a bad influence," She grumbled, I could already see her pouting with her arms crossed across her chest, just like a little boy I know. 

I hummed as I shoved my left hand in my pocket, leaning my head against the wall. "Maybe you should," I shrugged my shoulders as she groaned on the other side of my phone. 

"Yoongi I can't," Her voice obviously distraught, the door behind my quickly opening with Jungkook peeking out from behind it. 

"Namjoon needs to speak with you," Jungkook pointed behind him, I shooed him away with my free hand as he stuck his tongue out at me, retreating back into my studio. 

"So, I guess you have to go?" She asked as she sighed, still distraught at the thought of going back home. 

"We'll talk about this when I get back to the dorm, be there before I get there. Be safe," I quickly hung up not giving her any time to ask any questions or even get a word out. Walking back into the room, Jungkook sitting on his phone while Namjoon looked at my computer slightly adding his touches to the song. 

I was now lost in thought as to what I would do to help my sister. 


(Y/n) POV:

"Jin come on," I whined as I slightly tugged on his sleeve, him not budging from the couch just aimlessly scrolling through his phone. My stomach rumbling, I groaned in annoyance as the elder chuckled at me. "I just want some Ramen," I tugged on his shirt some more, him just shrugging my hands off.

The door to the dorm busting open, 3 voices arguing as they walked through the door. I peeked over the back of the couch to see Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook at the door taking their shoes off. I looked back over to Jin, him just looking back to me then back down to his phone. The 3 boys still arguing but making their way over towards the living room not recognizing that I was looking at them from over the back of the couch. 

I quickly jumped over the couch, nearly making it fall backwards, Jin yelling in the process. The boy's attention quickly turned towards me, but not quick enough as I tackled Taehyung attaching myself to the boy. My arms wrapping around the back of his neck, him stumbling backwards slightly. "And she's back," Jimin chuckled as he ruffled my hair, Taehyung chuckling as he hugged me back. 

I quickly released him from the hug, looking over to Jungkook, hurt written all over his face but quickly turned into a bright smile as he noticed I was now looking at him. "Hey dipshit," I laughed as I slapped his head lightly, him now rubbing the spot I hit. The four of us now going into the living room as Jin retreated to the Kitchen to cook something for dinner. 

"I can't believe they stole you from us," Jimin's smile faltered slightly as we all sat on the floor of the living room, the TV turning on so we could play some overwatch. I shrugged my shoulders as Taehyung and Jungkook took the two controllers. 

"I had fun though, I made some lifelong friends," I smiled at the three, all of the humming in sync their attention now on the tv screen. Jungkook slightly hurt at my statement, I threw my arm over his shoulder bringing him into a side hug as I put my head on his. "But no one can replace you idiots," I laughed as the three slightly slapped my head. 

"Yah (Y/n) let's go," Yoongi's voice rang out, my smile disappeared as I looked over my shoulder to see my brother standing behind the couch looking down at me. I need to learn a lesson or two from him, he's so fucking quiet. I sighed as I stood up from the floor, following my older brother to his room. 

Closing the door behind me as we both walked in, him sitting down at the end of his bed. He waved his hand over to the empty couch across from it. My footsteps echoing off of his empty walls as I walked towards the couch. Plopping down as I looked at my older brother, his hands sitting in his lap. 

"Bad influence huh?" He asked sadly as he looked up from his lap, to make eye contact with me and I nodded slowly. Him scoffing as he shoved his hands in his pocket, him biting at his lower lip looking back down at his lap. 

"Yoongi I can't go back, please," I pleaded my voice wavering a bit, "They want me to do what they want me to do. They don't care for what I want to do, they don't care if I'm not happy Yoongi," I frowned as tears slightly gathered in my eyes, my brother looking up at me to make eye contact again. 

"They go on and on about how much they hate music, and how much they're disappointed in me. No matter how much I stand up for you, and how much I stand up for myself in what we do; they try to take it away and push something I don't want." I stood up from the couch, anger and sadness now overwhelming me.

Yoongi stood up from his bed, pulling me into a hug. I stood there with my hands at my sides, not knowing what to do. "I want to prove them wrong Yoongi," I whispered as I brought my arms up around his neck hugging him back. 

Resent. That's all she could feel right now. The resent she felt for her parents, for them not believing in their children, for them trying to force them to do things they hated. For them not loving them... for them. As much as she loved her parents, she couldn't help but resent them as well. All the bad things outweighed the good. 

Their relationship with their parents had faltered to the point where neither side couldn't help but to resent each other. (Y/n) being the only child they had left to control, and Yoongi being the "bad influence" like they had always seen him to be. Things had changed, and not for the better. 

The parents resented the fact that they had both left despite their warnings, and their love for music. They resented their passion for music. They resented the fact that they had left them like it was nothing.

The siblings resented their parents' hatred for music, the siblings one true passion in life. The fact that they wouldn't support their kid's decision to go out and pursue their passion. They resented that their parents had little to no hope for them, the fact that they wished for the worst. 

They only had themselves. That's how it's always been, despite having no contact with each other for 7 years. They couldn't trust anyone else but each other. From this night, their sibling bond had only gotten stronger and their determination to become big names had only grown. 

It was only the beginning.


Updated: Nov 13, 2022

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