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(Y/n) POV:

"So how are you doing? How does it feel being back to work?" The interviewer, Hyunjae, asked as she leaned closer to the mic, raising her eyebrow slightly, "How's your relationship doing?"

It had been over a year since I had been out of the hospital, and finally gotten cleared to work from the physical therapist as well as my therapist.... Because truly ya girl was going through it.

"Well, it's great actually, it had gotten really tiring not being able to do what I love the most. It was really draining not being able to go and support the people I love as well; I had a lot of doctors' appointments and other things going on," Hyunjae hummed waving her hand for me to continue on, "So for me it was hard, most nights I ended up crying for hours because I felt so defeated. But I won the lottery when it came to my brother, and friends," I laughed going back to the memories I had made during my time off, healing trying to make myself better not only for me, but everyone around me. 

"So, was it hard when they would leave for tours?"

"Ah, yeah it was really difficult. Vernon would do the most though, after every concert or when he got off stage to do a quick change he would text or call to make sure I was okay. Jungkook would send me flowers on a daily basis, along with crates of Banana milk to make up for the fact he left," Hyunjae and I both chuckled, "But the 97' line group chat really split themselves up into "shifts" to check up on me," I took a sip of water as she sat there for a few seconds, I had a feeling she would re-ask a certain question. 

"How was Johnny during all of this? I'm sure it took a toll on your relationship," I had been avoiding this question since I announced that I was back in business, but you can't always run away from your problems; I guess it was time to face the elephant in the room.

"You know it did," I paused trying to find a way to sound nice, "It was really hard for Johnny, when I woke up, I had selective amnesia; and it ended up being that I had forgotten about him for at least 3 months before my memories of us came back. But by then, the damage was done," I smiled sadly as Hyunjae's smile faltered. 

"So, a week or so after I got out of the hospital, we sat down and had a heart to heart. We both decided that it was better to end things, and go our separate ways," That day still replayed in my mind over and over again. Neither of us wanted to leave, but after what happened it just tore us apart. We still loved each other, but it was never the same. 

"Oh no, I'm sorry," She frowned as she leaned back in her chair, obviously bummed by the news. 

"It's okay, we are actually still close friends, and we talk on the regular."

"I'm glad this didn't hurt your friendship in the end," Hyunjae put her hand on top of mine to try to comfort me. 

"You know I am too; we seem to get along very well, more than we did before actually. I'm truly blessed to say the least to still have him in my life," I smiled, patting her hand sympathetically. 

We ended up getting lost in a few more discussions, some about what I did during my break other than getting better. Which was basically help Bumzu and my brother write songs, Woozi would call every so often to get my opinion on some things. Even the song that they had dedicated to me, was brought up which ended up being a bittersweet thing. Which had all leaded to one more question.

"So, when is your comeback?"

I chuckled, "I'm not allowed to say anything, but let me just say you guys need to be ready," Hyunjae smiled at me, nodding her head. 

"Alright guys, this has been Hyunjae and (Y/n); Thank you guys for listening in, and we hope to see you at the MAMA awards. Here's 'fake love' by BTS," She hit a button, and the light cut off to signal that our mics were now cut. We quickly did a small hug before saying our goodbyes, my manager smiling at me as I walked out of the booth. 

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