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Guys, only a few more chapters.... Nah but watch me say that and there be like 20 more.

Child anyways, so


(Y/n) POV:

"Did I do something wrong?" A few tears crept down my face, my hands trembling slightly as my supposedly "boyfriend", stormed out of my room. The doctor standing in slight shock, in the corner of the room, after what she had just witnessed. While my brother tried his best not to follow after 'Johhny' and beat his ass. 

"No sweetness, you did nothing wrong," DR. Kim walked up to my bed, grabbing my hand and squeezing it reassuringly, "You can't control what happened, and what your brain is doing. He's just mad at what happened and not yo-"

"LET GO OF ME" My head whipped over towards the door, an obvious struggle occurring, making my brother run out of my room. Dr. Kim letting go of my still shaking hand, running out to see what all the commotion was about. If I didn't know better that voice was obviously Jungkook. 

Grabbing my blanket and slinging it off my body, the cold air of the room sending goosebumps all over my body. 'Fuck,' Pain shot up my back as I sat up on the side of the bed, nothing to support my back of my legs now. 'On three (Y/n), you got this; you need to work out the legs and back anyways', Thinking to myself as I prepared to stand up from my hospital bed by myself, hell I would only be going to physical therapy as soon as Dr. Kim lets me might as well start. 

"Just go Johnny!" My brother yelled, gaining my attention and only giving me more of a reason to stand up and slowly make my way over to the door. 

"Fuck it," I whispered to myself, taking a deep breath as I hoisted myself off the bed; clenching my teeth together as more pain shot through my body. My legs Shakey, "Left foot," I concentrated on my left foot moving it slowly as I took a small step, groaning in pain as I put weight on it. 

"(Y/n)!" I looked up from the floor to see Vernon standing in shock, Yoongi right behind him with a semi pissed and shocked look. Both of the boys running to my side, helping me back onto the bed. "What are you doing?" Vernon asked, him fixing the pillows for me. 

"I wanted to help," Another tear ran down my face, "Apparently he's my boyfriend, and I should at least do something," I covered my face with my hands, trying to hide the fact that I was crying again. 

"And I don't know why I'm crying so fucking much," I laughed at myself, taking my hands off my face and placing them across my waist. "I can't tell you how many times I've cried within the past, I don't know 3 hours," Vernon sat down, facing me, bringing his hands up to either side of my face and wiping my tears. 

"I don't know who told you it wasn't okay to cry, or to be sad; but it's perfectly fine to let it all out. A lot has happened to you, and you haven't had any time to really process anything," He leaned in and kissed my forehead, "I'll be your shoulder," He smiled at me, before pulling me into a hug. 

"It's okay to cry when you're having a hard time," A voice spoke out, I looked past Vernon to see everyone else standing there, DK smiling at me sadly, "Just cry it out loud, it's okay," And yet again here I was crying, gripping onto the back of Vernon's shirt like my life depended on it.


"(Y/n) that's enough Banana milk," Yoongi snatched my banana milk out of my grasp, earning a pout from me, "You've literally drank 30, you'll be fine," He rolled his eyes at me, throwing the small carton away.

"Hey, why are you throwing my present away?" Jungkook asked as he carried bags of food in, slightly annoyed that my brother was throwing the banana milk away, "You know that's a luxury item hyung," Jungkook set the food down, reaching in his pocket pulling out another banana milk, handing it to me after he stuck the straw through the top. 

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