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(Y/n) POV:

"One, two, three and 4. Bring your right leg up and over," It had been over 2 weeks now, I auditioned in front of the CEO of YG and he fortunately, loved it. But now it was full steam ahead, I haven't been able to see my friends since the audition, let alone see my own brother. Lee Know hasn't spoken to me since he went back to the survival show. 

"(Y/n), hello," Fingers snapped in my face, taking me out of my trance to face my choreographer. "You need to focus, back from the start," I groaned as I was dragged back to the starting place, him fixing my posture. I couldn't tell you the last night I had a good night's sleep, and a proper diet that wasn't rice and water. 

My mind going back into focus mode as a song blared over the speakers, my choreographer standing behind me doing the small movements to dance along with me. "RIGHT LEG," He yelled to remind me, this was the step I missed constantly. 

The music paused; I looked in the mirror top see my choreographer clapping slightly. "Now you can take a break," he tossed me my water bottle, catching it and quickly drinking the entire bottle like there was no tomorrow. The practice room creaked open, a head peeping through. 

"Time for weigh in," I rolled my eyes at my manager, following behind him as we made our way through the building. Out of everything, I hated weigh in, and I hated the stupid diet I was on. I was drained. Walking into his office, him pulling out a scale waving for me to stand on it. Groaning as I took my shoes off, standing on the cold scale as numbers ran through the screen. 

A 'tsk' coming out of my managers mouth, "Go down to once cup of rice a day, you're still the same weight," He rolled his eyes in annoyance, I quickly put my shoes back on walking out of his office with him following behind. 

"You aren't eating anything outside of your diet, are you?" He questioned as we turned a corner almost reaching my designated practice room. 

"No sir," I sighed as I walked into the practice room, him giving me a small 'Better not' under his breath to where I could only hear it. My choreographer sitting in the corner scrolling on his phone happily.

"Let's just get this over with," I hissed at the elder, him quickly standing up and clicking play on the button. I wished for being an idol, so I guess this is what I asked for. 


MingHao POV:

"Hyung, have you heard from (Y/n)?" I asked as I played with my food, DK eyeing it from the other side of the table. 

"No actually I haven't, I thought you of all people were in contact with her," Seung Cheol smacked his food, adding more to his spoon. 

"Actually, no one in our group chat has heard from her. Not even her brother," Mingyu added as he pointed the spoon at the leader, earning a small hum from everyone. 

"I'm sure Noona's okay," Dino smiled trying to lighten the mood, but I couldn't handle the thought of them doing anything bad to the girl. She had become one of the most important people in my life, and I promised myself that I would keep her safe. 

"Are you going to eat that?" DK asked bringing me out of my trance, I pushed my bowl towards him excusing myself from the table. DK now singing a slight melody at the extra food he was now given. 

My feet dragging the floor as I made my way to the balcony, a slight breeze hitting my face as I opened the door. The different shades of reds, yellows, oranges, and pinks filled the sky bring a smile up to my face. "She's okay you know," A voice called out, I looked down to see Woozi sitting down in one of the various chairs that was on the balcony. 

"I just have a weird feeling," I sighed as I sat down next to Woozi, Jeonghan and Seung Cheol joining in on the conversation as they made their way outside. 

"Which is?" Jeonghan asked as he brought me into his embrace to try to calm me down. 

"It's not like her to ignore my texts for weeks, with no response especially not opening it. I know I should be happy for her and all, but I don't trust YG," My head fell into my hands, Jeonghan now rubbing my back. 

"Ya," Seung Cheol spoke, gaining everyone's attention, "We're all worried about Minghao, I'm aware that you two are close but I'm sure she's fine," He smiled at me patting my knee, I nodded at him looking back down at the floor. 

"She's a tough egg to crack Minghao," Woozi added before he got up to leave, giving me one last pat on the head before making his way inside. 

"I texted Yoongi, see if we can't work anything out," Looking back up to the leader with a smile on my face, giving quiet thank you before him and Jeonghan left me to my own on the balcony. 

My mind was racing a thousand miles per minute, I tried everything in me not to worry about the girl who I had grown to see as my elder sister; nothing worked. Dk and Mingyu were worried, but not as anxious as I was about her. They've been trying to calm me down, along with everyone else in the group, but nothing worked. 

(Y/n) where are you?

Are you okay?

Please just answer me. 


Yoongi POV:

"Have you guys heard from my sister lately?" I asked slightly irritated as I plopped down on the couch, everyone was gathered in the living room watching the maknae line play some stupid video game. 

"No not recently, tell that punk to answer," Jin responded sassily, obviously distraught and hurt by my sister not answering him. 

"No," Taehyung and Jimin responded in unison not taking their eyes off the screen. 

"What's wrong with sunshine?" Hoseok asked as he sat up on the couch, looking worried as ever at the sound of his second sister possibly being in trouble or hurt. 

"Mmmm nothing, seventeen is worried about her cause they haven't heard anything from her," I shrugged, kicking Jungkook in the back slightly to gain his attention. He looked back at me with a 'what' expression. 

"Have you heard from her?" I asked with my eyebrow raised slightly, the conversation we had a couple of weeks ago replaying in my mind. 

"No Hyung," he hissed out, gaining a scolding from Namjoon in the process. My leg shaking slightly as I started to get more anxious about my little sister. Was she hurt? Was she sick? Did someone take her? I knew that she got into YG entertainment, but why was I worried so much? They were one of the top companies to work for, what am I worried about?

But nothing could stop me from staying up all night, tossing and turning in my bed as I couldn't help but think of the endless possibilities of my little sister being out there hurt somewhere or whatever. I had reached out to Jaehyun, Yugyeom and BamBam to see if they had heard anything; nothing. I reached out to Lee Know, after I remembered them hanging out after our practice that one day and nothing. 

My darling little sister....

Where the fuck are you. 

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