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Have you ever had to wonder that one tiny kiss with a random stranger would ruin your entire life? Would it drive you to do crazy things that no sane person would do? Could it change your outlook on life in ways you never thought? If so, the answer is yes.

Even though it sounds...exotic that's exactly what happened. And now I'm facing the consequences that come from my actions.

But shall we start from the beginning?

Feronheights University. One of the most expensive schools in surrounding LA

As I said one of the most expensive schools in LA, meaning you either have to be very smart, like over 4.0 GPA smart, or you have to be filthy rich.

And as for me, its both.

Moving on, I have a friend group of a couple people. Trina, Yvette, and Jasmine. We all met in second grade on the playground trying to save sweat bees from dying so we opened up a hospital under the playground slide.

Trina is the definition of a 'girly girl', anything she owns she owns it in pink. I'm not entirely sure how she got into this school because she isnt the brightest when it comes to her studies but she pulled it off.

Yvette is easily one of the prettiest women I've laid my eyes on, she wants to own her own photography business. Her dad got her into the school, he owns a car company and is by far one of the richest fathers of the people that go to my school.

Jasmine is the most energetic in our group. She never stops talking and can never take any situation serious unless it comes down to school. She had a 4.6 GPA in 8th grade which easily got her into this school and fast.

And this is where we pause for a quick moment to talk about me.

My father is a famous and influential politician, Dylan Philip Dimmich. Great guy, does so much to protect his family. Lie number 1. This man is the one and only reason my life is a hell hole that I can't escape.

Just walking the streets of LA everyone knows who I am and they respect me. Lie number 2. They respect my father. To everyone I'm the devils spawn, but in reality its him. My mother is just as bad though. Shes like his puppet, anything he says she agrees with no matter how extreme.

I never react to stuff he does in front of anyone because he always makes sure hes a goody-two-shoes. Everything he has done to me and everything he has made me do is burried deep down inside of him like it doesn't exist.

Happier note. I have the best boyfriend ever! Hunter. We've been together for about a year and I don't think I could ask for a better relationship. Lie number 3, but we'll get to that later. Carson and Brody are his two bestfriends, anywhere he goes they go. Unless its with me of course.

"Hey babe." I heard a voice behind me say. I jumped, frightened because I was zoned out and didn't know who was there.

I turned around and seen Hunter standing close behind me practically touching me.

"Hey Hunter." I say turning my body around and taking a small step back.

"What ya thinking about?" He asked moving his hand to his chin staring at me.

"Nothing." I say lightly chuckling to break down the tension slowly rising.

I heard a voice laugh to the right of me.

"Girl don't even lie, we all saw your face your totally in space." Said Yvette crossing her arms. I saw the rest of the girls standing next to her eyeing me and Hunter.

"Lets go to class and leave these two alone." Said Jasmine winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and made sure she knew I was annoyed by the look on my face. The girls agreed and left me and Hunter alone.

Undeniable Attraction (SLOW UPDATES)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن