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I look out the window of the hospital room at rhw sight of something moving fast, Kiara was kn the floor in the blink of an eye.

Isaiah's pov/ a few mins later
• • •

"She may have passed out from intense stress." Says the doctor as Kiara lay on the exam bed.

"What happened?" She asks slowly opening her eyes.

"Kiara don't get up, love."

"Miss Dimmich? Its okay but please don't make any suddent movements." Reassured the doctor.

She slowly sits up, fixing her back posture.

"What happened?"

"You fainted."


"We'll run some tests and determine the cause. We just need your consent."

"Do what you gotta do."

The doctor nods and turns her focus to me.

"Mr. Rhodes, please wait outside."

"Can't I stay here?" I ask politely.

"I'm sorry, there are rules we have to follow. It won't take long."

"Alright then, I'll just be outside the door. If you need me call me." I say to Kiara before hesitantly exiting.

I walk to the hallway and see Daniel outside waiting.

"How is she?"

"She woke up. The doctor is examining her." I pause for a moment and take a deep breath. "I feel like its my fault. Ever since we've been together, there is always something going on."

"If anyone's at fault, its me. I've heard she donated her blood to me, it was probably just too much for her, she's just fragile. Anyways, I checked security cam footage, and no one was down here when she fainted. So no one pushed her or anything like that."

"Damn, your fast. But you should go rest, Daniel. You were just shot only yesterday, you lost a lot of blood."

"I'm doing fine. Besides, Kiaras health is important now. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her because of me."

I watched Daniels body language closely, he was squirmy and almost uncoordinated. It felt like he cared about her a little too much than he should've. He quickly stood up straight and transformed back into the daniel I know.

"You know, because she's your fiancée, and I know how much she means to you. And you're my friend."

"Okay, whats the deal, Daniel?"


"I've known you way too long to not notice something is wrong. You're acting like your keeping me in the dark about something."

Before Daniel could even open his mouth to answer, Kiara's parents made their way to us, outside of Kiara's room.

"We heard Kiara was sent here, where is she? We want to see her now." Her father demands.

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