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"Kiara, take Hunter to the living room" I said blocking the doorway.

Hunter rolled his eyes and walked into the house while Kiara just stood there.

"What?" I say. "You wanna be the front-page news tomorrow?"

"its too late to avoid it already." Hunter scoffs.

"What about you Isaiah?" Kiara speaks softly.

"I'm gonna wait for your father."

"Hunter come." She says, but he doesn't move. "Please!"

He agrees and follows her.

Dylan speaks to an officer for what feels like forever, while I'm stood in the doorway waiting for him. He and the officer agree on something and the officer leaves the house while Dylan makes his way over to me.

"Mr. Dimmich, what a pleasure to have you in my house"

"Put something on yourself first, then you may speak to me" He's talking about the fact I have no shirt on still.

I go put a shirt on and return to Dylan in the same spot.

"Alright, you got what you wanted, you've ruined my daughters engagement party causing a scandal in the process and you've embarassed me enough. And apparently you spent the night with her."

A wild one.

His face shows nothing but disgust and I want to laugh.

"What else do you want Rhodes?"

"Who said I want something from you?" I reply.

"Thats enough of the jokes. You wouldn't have come to LA if you or your father didn't want something." He says "Its all about Amanda isn't it?"

In The Meantime, /Kiaras POV

Me and Hunter have been sat staring at each other for what feels like hours but its only been 5 minutes. The tension was rising every second and I wanted more than anything for Isaiah to walk through the door.

"Are we gonna just keep staring at each other?" Hunter finally speaks.

I stay silent.

"Why did you do this, Kiara?" He says smacking his forehead with his fist. "You embarassed me, my family, your family. And for what?"

I don't say anything.

He sighs and leans back in the chair.

"Why Ki? I'm really trying to understand."

I stand up and adjust my shirt.

"Is it because of that kiss with Trina??"

My mind flies back to that day, I had almost forgotten about it after being with Isaiah all night. I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I hadn't walked in.

"Or maybe is it because of that dude out there?"

I continue not speaking, I look down at the ground ashamed of what I did last night because now everyone would know, but why do I feel so guilty if the same probably would've happened between Trina and Hunter?

He stands up and walks closer to me, in silence, he sighs. I can tell how disappointed he is and it honestly breaks my heart.

"It's crystal clear what's happening Kiara, you don't even have to say anything, but it hurts Ki."

He looks down at the ground, I feel tears forming in my eyes. What have I done?

"And the fact you didn't want to have sex with me even though we've been together for so long."

He takes a deep breath, his expression turning from hurt to angry.

"But you slept with him within a day of your relationship is really a backstab for me."

"I didn't plan it Hunter, I swear." I say softly, not making eye contact.

"The fact he has such an effect on you, and I don't hurts so fucking bad Kiara." He says "What does he have that I don't?"

I wonder.

"Hunter, it's not about what he has or what you don't, its just some weird undeniable attraction that I can't grasp."

"So its over?" He asks "Its over between us? You'll throw everything we had in the trash that fast? All because of a physical attraction to another man who will dump you first chance he gets."

His jaw clenched and he stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets. He's worse than my mood swings.

"Yes, Hunter. It's over. I don't see what the point is in beign together after everything thats happened."

I dont know what happened or when it happened butI heard my fathers voice from behind me speaking.

"Kiara. End this game of yours. Now." He speaks

I stand a few feet away from Hunter looking down at my hands.

"Ah Mr. Dimmich." Isaiah says. He's standing close behind my father at the entrance to the living room. "Before you force Kiara to go home, I'd like to confess something."

"What, boy." My father slowly turns around.

"Miller, will you tell her or should I?" He smiles at Hunter.

"Whats this about?" I ask. "Hunter?" I say turning to him.

He looks at Isaiah dead in the eyes and then at my father, then back at the ground.

"Rhodes, your on thin ass ice." Says my father. "Drop it!

"No!" I shout. "I'm sick of all of this, someone tell me whats going on or else I'll tell the press absolutely everything you have done to me, father."

In the meantime: New York City, New York

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Rhodes?" Says a tan, blonde, woman, in heels.

"Yes, Carlie. Get everything together, I'm going to LA tonight." Speaks a tall grey haired man, looking out the window of a huge office. "Its time I show Isaiah the realy reason he's in California."

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