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My eyes wandered around the room observing everyone, and when they met his I was taken aback.

What is this stranger I kissed doing at my engagement party?!

I felt my body start to quiver at the sight of him. He looked so elegant but so dangerous at the same time. I felt totally hypnotized staring into his eyes for what felt like hours, but I couldn't break the attraction between us.

A shiver ran down my spine as he approached me and my breathing became heavier.

"Hello Miss Dimmich." He says not breaking eye contact. "Pleasure to meet you."

I wanted to say something, anything so badly but nothing could escape my mouth. His eyes were so beautiful like an ocean that I would love to get lost in. The attraction was undeniable. He held out my hand and stuck a folded up piece of paper in it.

Before I could say anything, Hunter came up behind me and ruined the moment.

"Kiara, I need to speak with you." He says, his eyes glued on the man standing before us.

The stranger left leaving me alone with Hunter.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" he said not raising his voice too much.

He seemed to be irritated but I honestly couldn't care less. It was so hard to focus when I just had the hottest guy i've ever seen 2 feet away from me.

"i'm just not feeling well Hunter would you relax a bit?"

"Maybe you need fresh air then." He said narrowing his gaze down at me.

"I just need to go to the bathroom quickly i'll be back." I say

"i'll go with you." he says smiling at me. "just to make sure youre okay."

I really didn't care at this point honestly everything that has happened in this past week has left me to believe nothing can get worse.

I made my way to the bathroom. Hunter stood outside, but after being in there for about only 20 seconds I heard his sister start to speak to him.

"There you are Hunter, I was looking for you." she said


"Dad wants to see you." She says in an annoyed tone

"It can wait, Kiara doesn't feel well."

"I don't care Hunter, dads already angry you have to go now before it gets worse."

Hunter left and I was still in the bathroom. I opened the note the man gave me and read the words on the inside. "Meet me in the library in 15."

I opened the bathroom door and made sure nobody was looking, then I quickly ran to the library.

What am I doing? My future fiance is downstairs and I'm about to meet up with a stranger.

When I opened the door immediately my arm was grabbed and I was pulled into the room. I knew his touch and his scent from the last two interactions with eachother.

"You came." He said leading me to a corner and pinning me in it. "I was afraid you weren't going to."

"I wasn't going to." I lied knowing I definitely was either way. "But I need to know who you are and what your doing here." I tried to pretend that the affect he had on me and my body wasn't there, but it was way harder than I thought because once his hypnotistic eyes met mine I felt my knees get weak.

"I came to rescue you from the mistake your about to make." He said grabbing me by my waist to pull me closer.

"Rescue me? How do you even know anything about my life? You don't even know me."

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