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"I love your confidence, Miss. We should get going, because if we stay any longer I'm gonna rip this dress off you."

Kiaras pov at the event
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Isaiah and I walk into the ballroom side by side and make our way over to Dean and Amanda.

"Good evening, Kiara." Says Dean, nodding to Isaiah. "Son."

"Good evening, father." Isaiah replies for me. "Amanda, you look ravishing."

"Thank you, Isaiah. Charming, as always!"

"Kiara looks bewildering aswell." Dean smiles at me. "No wonder my sons head over heels for you."

"Thank you, Dean." I reply.

My parents make their way over to the group.

"Ah, what an extraordinary evening. It's astonishing to see the Dimmich family attending my event."

"Dean, Amanda." My father says.

"Dylan, Cinthya." Replies Dean.

"Thank you for inviting us, its a... pleasure to be here, tonight."

"The pleasure is all mine. Enjoy the evening."

A few minutes later

"A fortune teller? I would've never expected it. You're father doesn't seem like the man who would believe in that stuff." I say as I stand alone with Isaiah.

"He doesn't, its just for fun. Well, do you?"


"Do you believe in fortune telling?"

"Not at all. I'm a down to earth person, you?"

"I'm a practical and realistic kind of man, no illusions, hard facts. But I booked a session with that fortune teller for you. Just for fun. Because of the charity."

"I can't wait to hear that something unexpected awaits me in the not so distant future or something like that."

"That's what you'll most likely hear, love." He pauses and his gaze is taken off me for a second. "I'll go get you a drink, stay here."

"Don't leave me for too long." I smile to him.

"I won't, I know all the men in this room are waiting for a chance to steal you away from me." He quickly rushes off to the bar.

I watch as Isaiah leaves me to speak to another woman across the room. As he speaks to her be begins looking more irritated.

"Good evening, Miss." A voice behind me speaks.

I turn around hesitantly, maybe their not talking to me?

"I believe we haven't met before." No he definitely is spwaking to me.

"I believe so..too?"

"What is such a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone?" Asks the stranger.

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