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"But it's in the past, right? You don't have feelings for me now, do you."

"it's impossible not to have feelings for you, Kiara. There's something about you that makes you so special." His hand moves to my face. " You have that unusual charm that draws everyone to you."

The front door slams shut and my entire body freezes.

"What the fuck is going on here?

• • •

Daniel pushes himself off of me and turns to face the door where Isaiah is staying.

"Isaiah, we were just talking."

Isaiah walks closer and pushes Daniel away from me.

"Get away from my fiancée." He yells.


"What?!" He says turning around to face me, but I stay silent. "I heard how he said he has feelings for you! And you two kissed?!"

"When I was sixteen- it was only because of a truth or dare game."

He takes a deep breath and turns back to Daniel.

"Get the fuck out of my sight before I put a bullet between your eyes."

"Isaiah I-"

"I'm your fucking boss. But you forgot, about it and felt so comfortable that you put your damn hands on my fiancée."

"Isaiah, its not liit'sthat." I try to intervene, but he ignores me.

"I treated you as my own brothnd in return you have bee,n lying straight to my face. You know me. you know betrayal is something unacceptable for me."

"But boss, let me explain I-"

"You've had enough time to tell me whatever you wanted, haven't you?!haven'telling you one last time. Get OUT. And, you're fired."

Las Vegas, California/ New York city, New York

"I knew it!" Exclaims Dylan, over video call a with Hunter. "I knew he couldn't have showed upshownliforniaCaliforniaeeper meaning to it."

"Hunter, please bring our daughter back!" Begs Cinthya. "She won't listen to us, but maybe you.."

"I will. I'm already in New York. That's why I didn't come to you and tell you about this personally. Yet as soon as I found out; I went to the airport and took the first flight."

"Thank you, Hunter. I was afraid that boy was up to something."

"Goddamn Rhodes."

"Don't worry, after Kiara hears the truth, she'll realize that she chose the wrong man. We'll come back to LA together.

• • •

Isaiah's pov

I was boiling inside. Ever since I hired Daniel, I'd treated him like he was my brother. I trusted him with my life. And he'd been hiding that he was drooling over my fiancée for the whole time.

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