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"I gasp hard, as I see Isaiah fall to the floor in the blink of an eye.

"Did you just shoot your own son?!" I scream."

• • •

"Don't be afriad, it was only and tranquilizer gun." Says Isaiahs father, smiling at me. "I wouldn't have hurt my firstborn son, Miss Dimmich."

I let out a deep sigh, the world seemed empty for a second, I stare down at the dirty sidewalk where I stand.

"He'll only sleep for a few hours."

"Why did you do this?" I ask, my arms begin to tingle, as if I were high in the moment.

"Because, young lady, we need to have a chat."

Two men begin walking towards me, they stop right in front of me. My heart began pounding loud enough they could probably hear it about to burst out of my chest.

"After you, miss." One of the men says. I look into his lifeless black eyes, that scan me up and down.

He steps out of the way, the rest of the men making a path to one of the cars. Isaiahs father opens the door of the backseat, and looks back at me, wating for me to get in.

I hesitate, but not wanting to make it worse, I give in instead of disobeying.

I slowly walk to the car, in case someone tried to grab me or do anything, but I made it face to face with Mr. Rhodes, he had a snarky grin on his face that made me want to knock his teeth out. I climbed into the car slowly, picking my feet up into it and putting them down on the floor.

The car door slams shut, making me jump, the man in the front wears sunglasses and all black clothing, the man in the passenger seat sits quietly holding a gun on his lap, looking out the passenger door window.

I peer out the window and see Mr. Rhodes talking to one of the men, before he shakes his hand and begins walking around the car to the opposite side of me and climbs in, shutting the door behind him.

As soon as we take off driving, I get a call from Nellie, Hunters younger sister.

"Are you always so quiet, doll?" Asks Dean, turning to face me. "You didn't say anything before, and you aren't saying anything now. I'll start thinking that your scared of me." He laughs. "Am I right?"

Dean Rhodes was the kind of man who effortlessly made you feel intimidated. He didn't have to do or even say anything to make you feel uncomfortable.

His presence was enough.

"Wheres Isaiah?" I ask, dropping my phone into my lap.

"One of my men took him home."

"Alright then, Mr. Rhodes. What do you want from me?"

"I'm worried about my son, you know, Doll?" He begins. "I heard you were supposed to get engaged last saturday. Yet you live with my son instead."

My palms become sweaty, I hadn't had to think about Hunter, or my father, or the contract, or my engagement for hours now, which is the longest its been for me.

"You wonder, how I know about it?" He pauses. "I have eyes and ears everywhere." He pauses once more. "I even know when you touch yourself."

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