Dear Lord No

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~•~ Tessa's POV ~•~

So it turns out Leo did piggy-back me back home, occasionally running to scare the living crap out of me! Once we got to my front yard, we walked behind the house to my back yard, where we laid in the grass looking up at the sky, holding hands, and my head on his stomach. Leo makes an excellent pillow! I lift my head to look at him, when I see something jump over our fence. Or someone. I get up fast, and run after the dark figure. Leo running after me, shouting, asking what's wrong? And where am I going? I don't know, but wherever this person is running. That's for sure!
I dash after the figure, running as fast as I can. I'm the fastest runner in my class, even over the boys. But I couldn't seem to catch up with this person! Finally, and somehow, Leo was able to make it around the block and cut of the person, making him crash into Leo. The figure is on the ground trying to get up again, I take this moment, and jump on the runner. Tackling him to the ground, rolling over until I finally have him pinned under me. I pull down the hood of his jack. "What the fuck! Get off me!" He shouts. He has light brown hair, but not too light, that hung just a bit shorter then Leo's. He has light blue eyes, with long black lashes. He's wearing a blue hoodie, with a leather jacket thrown over it, he also wore black jeans, with holes in them. "No," I whisper, "Not until you answer my questions." I sternly say. "Fine." He spat. "Well that went far better then I expected!" I say. The runner gives me a death look. I smirk at him.
"Well for firsts, what's your name?" I ask curiously.
"Bryce Addams." Bryce replies.
"Good, good. Now, why'd you jump my fence?" I look at him, this Bryce guy, I don't know why I chased him, but there was something different about him, the way he'd moved over that fence, the way he ran so gracefully and fast. It reminded me of me.
"I..I..I jumped your fence because well.. How do I say this.. I'm trying to gather information on you and your creepy friend over there." Bryce looks over my shoulder at Leo, apparently Leo must have gave him a look, because he looked back stunned.
"Why do you want information in me and Leo?" I ask shocked. Why would a boy like him want information about me! And Leo!? Bryce looks flabbergasted, he's so stunned he doesn't answer for a few moments.
"You. don't. know." Bryce questions.
"Know what?" Leo asks from behind me.
"Are you bloody serious?!"
"Yes I'm bloody serious!" Leo replies.
"You two don't know?" Bryce asks.
"KNOW WHAT?!" Leo shouts frustrated.
"Okay, okay. Let me up, my back hurts, then I'll tell you." He negotiates. I slowly get off him, watching his tall, kinda buff figure stand up, making sure he won't run off.
"Okay, sweetheart, I'm not gonna run. Get your hot green eyes off me." Bryce says ticking Leo off. I relax once Leo puts a hand on my shoulder. "Get talking kid." Leo says.
"Chill man, well first I'm not a 'kid', I'm your age actually. And second I've been getting information on you two because.. well, arg! Okay you both have that Paw tattoo on you, right?"
I nod slowly, "I do but not Leo," I state.
"Yes he does, back of his neck, under his hair." Bryce proves. I whip around, getting behind Leo, and looking under his hair at the back of his neck. And there, is a paw print, identical to mine.

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