Its Not A Prank

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~•~ Tessa's POV ~•~

I screamed an ear spitting scream, I screamed for minutes. I screamed so loud to let all the sadness come out, so all my frustration, and shock, and anger could come lose.
I clutch my stomach, I'm not the one with a spear in my stomach, but it sure as hell feels like I do. I searing pain travels through my body, it burns the most over my heart. Where the Pack Partner mark is.
Leo kneels on the ground the spear producing from his stomach. I collapse beside him and try to support him, he looks me in the eyes with empty unemotional ones, while I clutch my burning chest.
"Tessa," he breaths painfully. He looks right at me, "Just know I love you." He says, before falling against my chest.
"Leo? Leo? Leo?!" I shriek at him, trying to wake him up. I lay him on his side and hold him close to me, screaming and crying. The pain in starting to ware, but it's still there although I try and ignore it.
Henry and Laura we're listing to something Bryce had to say, and their eyes started to widen as they listened to him. They all turn around and face me, Henry looked amused.
"Nice try planking us again!" He laughs historically, and so do the other two.
I stand up, my posture strong and defensive, angry and furious.
"You. Think. I'm. Kidding." I blow steam off at them! Assholes! Thinking of joke about something like this, thats wrong!
"Yes, yes we do!" Henry chuckles at me then turns to Leo, "Hey bud, you can get up now." Leo doesn't move at all, not a finger twitch, not an eye flutter.
Bryce, Henry and Laura hesitate but are still convinced that were prancing them.
"That's a real spear assholes." I hiss at them, tears streaming down my cheeks, but I say my words strong and tough.
"Sure it is," Henry says. But Bryce pales, and so does Laura.
Laura rushes forward and pokes Leo in the stomach. No reaction. She checks his pulse and then freezes up, tensing.
"G-guys.." She shaking lay says to us. "There's barely a b-beat," She whispers to us.
Henry shuts his mouth, but then opens it again as if to say something, he does it again, still not saying anything. Bryce stands beside his looking straight at me, his gaze not leaving mine. He's extremely pale, and shocked.
My knees start to buckle, and my hands start to shake, I start wobbling.
I collapse to the ground, but before I hit the dirt Bryce catches me in an embrace. He pulls me close, my head resting on his chest, and him hold me tight to his body.
I can tell Henry and Laura are trying to help Leo, they've pulled out the spear, and with the medicines we have, are trying to patch him up.
"He'll live, Tessa. Don't worry." Bryce soothes me, but he's also serious.
"How? He got pierced in the stomach he can't survive that!" I cry into his shirt, my cheeks salty.
"The spear," Bryce whispers to me. "It was the spear Tess."
"What about the spear?" I whisper, hope in my voice. I know I shouldn't be hoping, I'd just be even more crushed in the end if Leo died, but I couldn't seem to help myself.
"The spear was copper, not silver." He tells me, running his hands on a small circle on the small of my back.
"How does that matter?" I ask Bryce.
"Only silver can kill a werewolf, Tessa. We can heal from almost everything else. But it has to be silver to kill us."
My hope flutters a bit when he says almost, Leo might not survive this, there's a chance he wont.
I nod at Bryce innocently, not knowing what to say. I hold on to his tighter before mustering up the courage to look at Leo.
Henry and Laura has striped his shirt off and leaned him against a tree. They had his whole abdomen wrapped in bandages. It was already soaked through with blood, but it was helping.
Laura was leaning over him her fingers to his throat, again checking his pulse.
"It's a bit faster," She says shifting her figures slightly. We all stiffen, waiting to hear if he'll survive or not.
She took one deep, shaky breath then finished. "He'll survive." And we all relax at that moment, grateful. "But he'll need rest and lots of sleep. Well have to stay here at most, another two nights."
We all sigh in defeat. We'd wanted to reach Alberta by tomorrow morning, but now it'll just have to wait.

~•~ Later In The Afternoon ~•~

Bryce and Henry went to the closest gas station to get some breakfast, well, at least something to eat and drink. Laura stuck around to check on Leo every once in a while, I was starting to think that she was the smart and medical one of us five, considering that she just saved Leo's life.
"Thank you," I tell her when she's in hearing distance.
"For what?" she perks up, look at me. Her hair was in a messy brown bun. And she was wearing comfortable clothing.
"For saving Leo for me." I take a glance at Leo, but then look back at Laura.
"Oh, well uh, your welcome?" it sounded for like a question then a thank.
"Tessa." Someone gasps from beside me. Laura and my head shoot towards the voice. We both pale in shock. The persons who talked grasps my hand in his, squeezing is tight before passing out again.

Leo had woken up.

Sorry! Its a short chapter I know! I want to thank 0Totally_Boss0 for helping me once again with this chapter and coming up with something to write.
I haven't updated in a while because I've been studying really hard for my War of 1812 test coming up! And I've been reading a really good book on my spare time! Again, I'm sorry and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and love the book so far!
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