Family Isn't Just Your Blood

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| Two Days Later |

~•~ Tessa's POV ~•~

"MAX!! LEO!!" I shout the instant I enter the Wolf House. Not bothering to sit down because I was so tired, or to even put down my bags. I simply shouted for them the second I opened the door.
And right away I heard pairs of feet dashing down the stairs in a hurry.
All at once, the Addams entered coming from the dinning room, Leo, Max and Olivia came running down the stairs in a flash.
"TESSA!" I hear a boy shriek before I'm knocked to the ground, short arms wrapped around me in a tight warm hug.
"Max..." I whisper in a longing voice as I hug him back. "I missed you."
"Me too," Max says in a hushed voice. He suddenly pulls back looking back at me, as if he was looking at someone else first.
I stand up, and look behind me holding Max's hand in mine. I look into the persons eyes with a smile on my face. Max tugs at my shirt with his other hand.
"Tess, who's that?" he asks in a low hushed voice.
I smile one last time at her, then kneel down getting to his level. "Max," I say holding both his hands. "That's Mommy. Our Mommy."
In that moment I hear a sob from behind me, and Max gasping. I watch his face transform from shock and disbelief into recognition and happiness.
He then towards our Mom, Taking slow steps towards her. As she gets down on her knees crying, but happiness was everywhere.
"Maxy baby, its Mommy," Her voice cracks, "It's Mommy," And with that last word, Max charges to Momma, giving her a big hug. They wrap their arms around each other, holding each other close.
I never wanted to leave this moment.


~•~ Olivia's POV ~•~

Where is Henry? Everyone else came through the door but Henry, my big brother. Was he just waiting? Or did he need a minute to catch his breath?
Where is he?
I watch the scene in front of me, the crying, and the love and warmth that's coming from everyone. Max hugging his Mom, and Tessa crying happily to herself. Leo standing beside Tessa holding her hand in his. Bryce standing by his parents watching Tessa's family. Laura smiling happily standing a bit off to the side. But I just stand here waiting, lost, and confused.
I can't hold it in anymore. "Where's Henry?" I burst out.
Everyone goes silent, some of us knowing and others waiting for the answer. Tessa, Bryce and Max's Mom, Sabine approach me slowly.
I stand waiting for an explanation. Waiting for him to just jump out, through the doors to surprise me. Hope that he comes in with a bright smiles plastered on his face, and presents in his hands.
But then I look at their faces. And all my hope is crushed into a million pieces. My eyes swell up with tears, my teeth start to chatter. Bit I still asks, "Where's Henry?"
Neither of them respond, each of them look away, not making contact. Not telling me where he is.
But I already know where he is, its written on their faces.
I collapse to my knees, but not quite letting tears fall yet. "He's dead, isn't he?" At the end my voice cracks, one year falling from my eye. One out of billion that are yet to come.
They all nod, and I look ahead trying to take it all in. But it gets to me first, I burst out in tears, sobbing, and balling. Bryce pulls me into a hug. Him and Henry where best friends, inseparable since diapers. Bryce was like another older brother, but not like Henry was.
"Livy it'll be okay," He says into my hair in a hushed voice. Trying to sooth me, calm me of my fits of sobbing. "I'm right here, it's all okay." I nod, pressed against his shoulder.
"Listen," Bryce says pulling back but still holding me. "It looks like he's not here, but he is. He always will me right her with you, and me." He places two fingers over my heart, and then indicates to his. "He'll always be here with us, through good and bad. He's watching us right now, and he'll be watching tomorrow, and the next day. Everyday." He pauses for a moment trying to catch his words. "Livy, he'll be watching you your whole life, Henry will see your journeys, your break downs, your happiness. He's going to watch you grow up, and get old with the ones you love. Henry will always be with you, with me, with all of us."
Bryce looks around at us all, at everyone in the room separately. "Forever and always."


~•~ Tessa's POV ~•~

After our reunion Mr. and Mrs. Addams told us to go unpack, get changed and freshen up before the Christmas Dinner tonight, and for Santa's arrival.
So in currently in my room with Leo and Max, Bryce went to his own room. And Mom was given her own room with new clothes and everything.
Leo sat on my bed watching me unpack, Max was bored to death but glad he was here in my presence.
I walk over to Max, and kiss his forehead, "Why don't you go and get Olivia and find some of those yummy cookies I hear you were eating the other day." Leo had told me all about it already. Max quickly hugs me, then runs out the door to go and seek Olivia.
I turn back around to see Leo watching me with his dark blue eyes.
I walk over to him and move my bag out of the way. I crawl into his lap, a leg in each side of him. I put my arms around his neck, and he places his hands on my waist.
I lean in close to his face, "I missed you," I whisper.
He smiles and tilts his head up looking away from my lips, and looks into my green eyes. "I missed you too,"
And with that I kiss him. He kisses back, holding his breath. I run my hands through his hair.
After a minute I pull back, and look at him smiling, "I love you,"
His eyes twinkle, "I love you too,"
And it may seem like the most cliché thing, but at the same time we both said, "Forever and always."

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