Chapter 14: Tonight! The Stars Revolt

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A few hours after the rating game Akashi is standing in a room that's not his own as he stands there with Eli as they await the return of Asia and the awakening of Issei when his eyes suddenly fly open and he sits up.

Eli places a hand on his shoulder and pushes him back down. "Whoa there pervy cowboy. You need to stay in bed."

Issei barely registers Eli, only falling back into bed. "Rias." He suddenly has a flashback to her surrendering to Riser and Ian and Aiden not helping him at all. "Why the hell didn't he help her?"

"She attacked an ally in Aiden, Ian was simply doing as he was told and allianed with Aiden."

Suddenly a magic circle appears and Grayfia enters. "I'm surprised your awake."

"Grayfia?" Issei questions.

Akashi rolls his eyes and steps away. Eli however, smiles seeing an old friend. "Hello, fia."

"Eli please you know how much I dislike being called that nickname."

"Fine... but only because we're in front of others."

"What the hell happened, how did I get here?" Issei asks looking over to her.

"The battle ended shortly after Lady Rias surrendered. Ian and Lord Aiden defeated Riser before Mr. Star gave the win to Aiden out of concern for his family rather than wanting to win."

"He... what?"

Akashi sighs leaning against a wall. "Ian cared more for his family, then winning a stupid game. His goal was to ensure Riser didn't win. After that, he didn't care about winning if Riser would've lost first he would've surrendered and Left Rias all alone to fight Aiden but she pissed off the wrong person by attacking Raynere when she went to help you."

"So we lost?"

"I'm afraid so. Lord Aiden was declared the victor."

"What? But there's no way Rias would just give up like that. She'd keep fighting no matter what!"

Eli smiles. "If she hadn't surrendered Riser would've killed you before eliminating her from the game anyways. Either way she would've come in last place."

"The game, the whole thing is one big blur."

Akashi smiles placing a hand on Issei's shoulder. "You didn't give up. Every time that false man knocked you down you got right back up."

Issei has a brief flashback of Rias coddling himself before they vanish from the arena. "It's fine. Don't worry I'm okay. You did your best. You made me proud thanks Issei." Issei falls to his knees a few tears welling up before he punches the ground. "It's me. She did it because of me. This whole thing is my fault. I tried so hard to beat him but I wasn't strong enough. I've failed and now Rias might be Riser's forever. Wait where's everyone from her team."

"Ian instructed Asia, Akashi and Eli to watch over you while he goes with the rest of them to the underworld as Lady Rias wanted them with her for what comes next. Ian is simply going to protect a few of them from Riser, as Lord Aiden is running late due to a run in with an old acquaintance by the name of Einz Kail." (Last name pronunciation Kai-ill)

"Underworld?" Issei asks.

"Yes. The engagement party will be starting soon."

Issei's eyes widen as he realizes now that her coming in last meant that she would have to marry Riser. "Oh no." He remembers the conversation he had with Rias before the game and slumps back sitting on the floor. "I failed. I'm sorry. I could've worked harder but it's too late. I'm weak and pathetic she deserved better than me."

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