Chapter 2: On The Edge

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Ian sighs, taking a moment to contemplate where to head, before deciding to head to the class whereupon knocking on the door the teacher opens the door slightly and whispers to him to wait outside the class for a moment before going to the class and speaking.

"Okay, students we have a new student joining us today so please show them respect and be quiet." The teacher walks into the class followed by Ian as he enters he hears squealing and squeaking from the girls and groans of disappointment from the boys. "Go ahead and introduce yourself."

Ian nods, approaching the podium in front of the class, he takes a deep breath before looking to the other students. "Hello, I'm Ian Star. I'm sixteen years old. My home is in the upscale neighborhood of northeast Kuoh. I'm currently a bachelor. I work at the Mori-Deva restaurant late in the afternoons for extra cash. And don't get home until 11 pm. I don't smoke, and I don't drink. I'm always in bed by 11:30 and get a maximum of six hours of sleep every day including weekends. Before I sleep I drink a warm glass of milk and do some stretches for twenty minutes. That way I fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly until morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up."

"Why are you saying all this?" A boy near the back speaks up with brown hair, Ian's attention focuses on the boy.

"I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning or losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to get into a fight I wouldn't lose to anyone." The boys get a second wind after the last remark to which he silenced them with a single hardened glare.

"Alright mister Star why don't you sit next to Mrs. Kiryuu. Kiryuu raise your hand, please" His teacher hurriedly tried to get him away, in an attempt to prevent a fight.

He obliged taking the seat next to the twin-tailed girl with glasses as she turns to him and he nods at her showing respect.

"A pleasure to meet you miss Kiryuu." The boy said offering a handshake that she accepts.

Everyone just stares at her. The boys with glee and the girls with jealousy.

"Uh, nice to meet you too Ian." She said with an awkward smile.

"Well I hope we get along" He quietly muttered before turning to the front of the class with a pen and notebook.

Aika went back to her work and as Ian predicted class was very boring the only joy in class for him was talking to Aika she's a bit perverted but she's a bit nice. Once lunch came about Ian chose to sit alone during until Aika, seemingly from nowhere sits with him hie eyebrow raises and he doesn't say anything until Lily places her food down in front of him.

"Sup, who's the girl?"

"This is Aika, Aika this is my younger sister, Lily, now you two please get along I just remembered, I have a meeting with someone." Ian stood and walked away leaving the girls together as he walks to where he can sense a strong magical presence. He sighs walking in the building somewhat afraid the building will collapse around him. "Hello? Anyone here?" He knocks on the door to the old school building when the door is opened by the girl he caught watching him earlier. "Uh, hi. Is Rias Gremory in there? I'm here to have a polite conversation."

"Yes. Rias is here. She's been waiting."

"Koneko who are you talking to?" A second person definitely older than the young teen before Ian, spoke out.

"It's that boy you asked me to watch president. He said he wants to talk to you." The white-haired girl who Ian can safely presume is named Koneko replied to the 'president'.

"Well then let him in if he wants to have a conversation with me."

"Sure." She shrugs, turning towards a couch, and taking a seat and pulling out the chocolate she was given earlier in the morning.

'Huh, she still has the chocolate, neat.' "Hello there, I'm here to speak to the next head of the Gremory household." Rias' eyes widen, Ian notices her surprise but doesn't acknowledge it, he remains standing by the door.

"Forgive me, but... how did you know that without being told?"

"Well, you see Ma'am, I have a few requests to make of you."

"And what would that be Mr. Star."

"Why my requests are simple, Lady Gremory. If you find a stray exorcist named Freed Sellzan I am to be informed immediately of where he's hiding, and if you find a girl with blue hair and a green strand alert me upon sight, she's a long lost friend, her name is Xenovia, that is all." He bluntly speaks to red haired woman himself noticing how she seems to be taken aback by his request.

"I see..." She steps in front of her desk directly before crossing her arms accentuating her chest. "Fine I'll agree... on the condition you join my peerage as my knight and your sister as bishop." She speaks with a confident tone in her voice he replies with a smirk and a thumbs down.

"Yeah. No. About that, I'm unfortunately bound to an agreement with a friend, I am... unable well say to join any of the three factions. However, if you do help me you will receive a favor of help from us that is all." Rias looks genuinely surprised at his reply. "Well it was a pleasure, Lady Gremory, but I must be going now. It was nice meeting you too miss Koneko." He bows her and she nods keeping the same stoic face that she'd had when they first met.

Chapter End.

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