Chapter 25: Theatre

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Date: May 7, 2016

Ian stands to the side of a room, Issei kneeling in front of The Archangel Micheal and Akeno is kneeling to the side.

'This person is the Chief of the Angels? He's super important. Why...? What's this my whole body feels on edge... No it's not reacting to this person.' Issei's thoughts race through his head, nervous, meanwhile Ian scoffs glaring at the angel.

"So, why are you here Micheal?"

A bright glow appears in front of Issei as everyone in the room senses the energy coming from a sword appearing before Micheal. "Issei Hyodo." He calls out.

"Yes?" Issei manages to sputter out.

"This is the Dragon Slayer, also known as the Holy Sword Dragon Killer, Ascalon."

Ian eye's the blade in awe. "No fucking way." Ian looks on in shock at the blade in front of Issei.

"What do mean by "Dragon Killer"?"

Ian's gaze remains affixed on the blade. "Dragon Killer. Meaning a being or object who's job is or the name of said object is used to exterminate dragons."

"So that's why I was feeling on edge." Issei glances to the blade.

Micheal smiles. "I was actually thinking of giving this to you."


"To me?" Issei asks.

"It might be more accurate to say that I want you to assimilate it into your Boosted Gear. It is rumored that you are the weakest host in history. Tell me Daniel is this true."

Ian then perks up and looks towards the door to see Daniel standing there before he reveals himself to the others using a glyph and illusion magic to make himself visible.

"Whoa. Who's this dude?" Issei asks backing up.

Daniel smiles at the pair. "Its a pleasure to see you both again, Ise, Hime." He says almost solemnly.

"Ise?" Issei mutters.

"Why, yes it is obvious even to me that this perverted boy is the weakest in history. However it's not his fault... well for the most part. It's mostly because his master doesn't train him in any proper way or at least not in a manner that'll make him anymore powerful than herself so she can still beat him should he try to rebel. It's incredibly smart and dumb at the same time."

"Ahh, I don't think I can let you talk about lady Rias in such a manner." Akeno teases. As Akeno is about to send some Lightning towards Daniel. He smirks snapping his fingers causing the attack to vanish.

Ian sighs. "Akeno. Calm down he's a spirit anyway your attack wouldn't do anything anyways."

"It would actually pass through me and hit Issei."

Ian rolls his eyes. "Anyays can we continue. Lord Micheal."

"Yes. Anyways I thought it might be a good support weapon for you."

"Weakest..." Issei whines. "'s not like I'm not trying I mean, it's true... But why?"

"After the Great War, There was no more large scale fighting, but as you know, the Three Great Powers are fighting even now."

"That's considered a small battle, huh?" Issei scoffs.

Ian rolls his eyes, despising the phrase 'As You Know...'

"Pervert, you have no idea the size of the battles that happened during the Great War. Due to unforeseen circumstances I've seen the events that happened back then. Until it is my time to be born with the gear, I as well as future users of the gear live on inside it." Daniel interrupts.

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