Chapter 1: Ignition

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A sixteen-year-old boy rises quickly getting dressed in a school uniform he looks to the alarm clock in his room to find the time being 0530. He sighs and reaches into his closet opening his eyes to find a sword in his grasp he glides across the leather of the sheath before taking his hand away and closing the closet and heads down to do a small workout and make breakfast before his sister awakens.

"Sis get up we need to get ready for school!" He shouts in the apartment, only to get no response.

"Lily, get up and get ready we don't need to be late on our first day. And who knows maybe you'll find a (clears throat) boyfriend while we're there." Almost instantaneously she was in the kitchen dressed and ready to go, her black hair settling into a freshly made ponytail, and she sits at the table her red eyes staring into her brothers.

"Let's hurry then so we can see how everything looks!" She stands before him ready to go. He smirks briefly before offering her a plate.

"Calm down, sis we need to get our schedules." He takes a deep breath sitting at the table. "I know you sense the power in that school, but we need to be careful and hide our powers so no conjuring up water or fire or anything understand? We need as little attention as possible from those in the supernatural."

"Understood captain lazy!" Her cheerful attitude bringing a chuckle from her older brother as only she and his old friend could when they were kids "Now let's get going! We still need to get our schedules from the student council." She said as they started walking to school.

The pair walk in relative silence, the boy listening to music on his earphones as Lily, eats a sandwich. The boy perks up as they approach a gate to the school.

"Well looks like we're here." He says with a smirk, his sister rolling her eyes.

The pair walked through the front gates of Kuoh Academy and the first thing they hear are girls squealing because the boy, who never considered himself traditionally handsome was as they said "The cutest boy in the world or the knight to 'Yuuto's Prince Charming" the boy to his credit shied away himself not wanting much attention himself.

"Trying to figure out who this Yuuto is." But above all he was annoyed by three boys who were eyeing his sister with perverted looks on their faces as well as most of the guys in the school.

"Oh great another pretty boy for us to deal with." The pair heard some of the guys complain as they walked by.

The duo eventually found a girl with high magic energy and luckily, or coincidentally for the pair, she just so happened to be the person they were looking for.

"Nice to meet you Miss President . My name is Ian Star and this my sister Lily." Lily stuffed her face with a sandwich she pulled from out of nowhere as he was speaking. Ian chopped her on the head to which she replied with a glare. 'Seriously where does she hide all of the food she has.'

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Sona Shitori, please follow me and I'll hand your schedules once we get to my office." She gestured for the pair to follow her.

The siblings both sensing the energy glanced to each other each using minimal magic to establish a mental link.

'Hey bro you sense the magic coming off of her? If I had to guess I'd say she a king piece. I sense there's another one at this school too which means there are two peerages at this school'

'Yeah, I noticed it as soon as we walked past the front gates. Her name does sound familiar, perhaps we can ask once we're in private, see if she's the Sona I'm thinking of if she isn't we'll just wipe her memory of the question ok?'

'Works for me.'

The pair speak to each other using their magic once Sona has turned away from the pair. Once the trio arrived at the student council office she offers the siblings to sit down which was perfect since the entire room was empty

With please Miss Shitori, would you mind if we play a game of chess as I ask some questions? Ian offered inspecting the board on her desk. 'Hopefully it's the Sona, she spoke about.' "So miss Shitori..."

"Please call me Sona when we're in private."

"Very well, Sona, I have a few questions. First and foremost is Shitori your real last name, or is it Sitri? Second. Who is the other King piece or household that's in this school? And third I'm looking for two people, the first a stray exorcist named Freed Sellzan if you've seen him please, tell me immediately I've got some... catching up to do with him we'll say. And the second is a blue-haired girl named Xenovia she's a long lost friend of me and my sister here." He said with a grin growing on his face as at that same moment he got the upper hand on her in their chess game

" I See... for your first question no, my real last name is indeed, Sitri. Your second question is a simple one as well the other 'King' here is Rias Gremory of the Gremory household. Now as for the people you're looking for. I have no clue where either of them are nor who the second one is." She gains the advantage, though Ian swiftly retakes it. "Now for my questions, First, how did you know I wasn't who I said I was? Secondly, how could you tell what I was? And thirdly, how do you know this stray exorcist, and what do plan on telling him when you find him?" She said giving the pair a questioning look, her eyes narrowed slightly when he mentioned her real last name.

"Well to answer the first on how I knew all that, it would have to be with my upbringing, which is currently sensitive information, however, I am familiar with the families and the leaders of the devil faction. For how I could tell, well, I could sense the magic radiating off of you. Lastly, what I plan on saying to Freed is a personal matter between my sister him and I. Check. He says calmly as she looks down to see he has her in check ready to win. She goes to pick up a piece only for him to take his king piece and suddenly remove it retiring from the match giving her the win.

"You intrigue me, Mr. Star." She mumbles a moment, reaching under her desk she hands the pair their schedule and walks away the pair realize they need to head to class.

While the pair were walking Ian senses a person watching them.

"Hey sis, go to class I need to check something? His calm demeanor is an easy facade to see through as not to alarm the being watching them.

"Bet, see you at lunch." She speaks sprinting to her class.

"You can come out now." He turns with an annoyed glare only to spot a white-haired girl who looks roughly the same age as Lily and the same height.

"So you found me, my master would like to have a word with you." The girl said stoically as if with no emotion.

"Unfortunately, I'm gong to have to say no. Please, tell miss Gremory if she wishes to talk to me to come to fetch me herself. Like Miss Sitri did when I arrived, have a good day." He begins to step away from the white haired girl, but stops briefly and smiles. "But, since you were polite, have this." Ian walks away from the girl as she catches a chocolate bar, her eyes widening slightly at the treat.

Yo! So... if you're seeing this me publishing a new story, then, let it be known I unpublished just about, everything, and as of today (July 10th 2022) every book, is undergoing edits, to change the structure of the stories, to be more like this, as well as to fix a couple things.
1. Inconsistencies- mostly plot holes that were never explained, plot points that didn't matter, amongst other things.
2. Removing Y/N from any of my books.
3. Removing shitty harem plots. This book is the prime example.

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