Chapter 16: Courtesy Call

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Ian sighs upon waking up and shortly after he takes a deep breath before he notices something. "Why the hell can't I move the rest if my body..." He wiggles for a moment in bed, his blanket slides down and as it does blonde hair slowly reveals itself and his exasperation is worsened due to the fact that Crystia is laying atop him herself wrapped round him. "You've gotta be kidding me. Well... might as well sit here and wait."

And he does wait, a few hours later Ian and the rest of the group are in their classes, luckily for Ian, Crystia was placed in Kiba's class, away from him. Ian sits peacefully next to Aika with Asia on the other side of him. Ian smiles for a moment placing his head down, but it's short lived due to Matsuda & Motohama shouting at Issei.

Motohama slaps Issei across the back of the head speaking loud enough for everyone to here. "Hey Issei What you smiling like a bitch for?"

"Dude! What's your problem!"

Matsuda however continues yelling at the brown haired pervert. "There are some rather odd rumors surrounding you lately so you might want to be careful."

"What rumors?"

"For example, you're messing around with super hot ladies and that is certainly evil."

Issei glances to his friends confused. "What?"

Motohama now grins. "Yeah-Yeah for real and like your using Rias and Akeno's secrets for blackmail to get some real nasty erotic shit man!"


"On top of that your a perverted villain one who's turned his eye on the school mascot, Koneko Toujou."

"Oh my god, grow up." Ian raises his gathering everyone's attention, glaring at the duo, who undoubtedly started those rumors.


"Koneko's my friend, and let's just say this, similar to me she dislikes perverts like you. Now please, lower your voice."

"And what can you do?"

Ian stands up, himself being English-German, Ian is a tall mofo. "I can tie you into a pretzel without breaking a sweat. Just lower your voice and we're all good."

"Oh yeah? Make us!"

Ian takes in a deep breath before replying with a grin. "Gladly. And how about this, I'll give you the first shot, but I warn you if you waste it..." He gets interrupted by Motohama punching him in the jaw while Matsuda goes for the chest. After they hit him both grab their hands in pain.

"What's your jaw made of metal!"
"Are you kidding?! His chest hurts more it's made of solid steel!"

Ian turns his head back to the pair a single line of red, blood, drops from his lips. "'re gonna regret it." For the next ten minutes, all that was heard in the air was Ian basically murdering the two boys and their screams before he left them in their seats practically unconscious. "That was fun."

Aika glances to Ian joining him standing over Matsuda. "But did you have to fight them."

"No, but I knew where they were headed and I'll be damned if they start any rumors regarding my sister." He glances over as Issei's arm starts hurting and he heads to the door. "Issei..."


"Is it your arm again?" The pair muttered to each other. Issei just nods his head. Ian creates a small glyph on his left ear as one forms by Asia's and she's immediately alerted to the events happening. "Asia, Issei's arm is acting up. Get Akeno and get to the club room to help."

She nods agreeing. He then sits in silence until a moan is heard through the school as Issei's friends get angry as they assume it's Issei while Ian just pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. Later after classes are over Ian is annoyed to discover that club activities will be held at Issei's house.

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