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The young boy cried into his guardians chest for a while until his tears dried up and nothing was left. When he better a little better he pulled away wiping his tears.

"Danny we're all so sorry for what has happened to you. Non of this is fair, but you have to go back to the police station. I know your scared and that what you did is right but in the laws eyes they don't care. Listen were going to do whatever necessary to lighten your sentence. We know what happened to you wasnt your fault and that you were provoked." I look to Allmight and nezu who were shaking their heads.

"Fine i will, but first. I want to get my story out there to the world. Everything this villian has done to me and my family. I want the people to know that I didn't just join in to fight for no reason. That I Danny phantom, the new Ghost king will not stand by and allow such atrocities go unnoticed. This man will pay. Whether by my hand or someone else's. " They look from one another.

"I mean we can but, I doubt the news would play it without restricting most of the content they don't think they would need." Thats when I smile" Dont worry about that. I have someone who's a master at using technology." They sigh." Ok we'll allow you to get everything ready. Please try to get everything done quickly before the police send out a warrant for your arrest." I nod." Yes I will, I must first travel to the ghost zone. I will be back shortly."

Swirling my finger, a glowing neon green portal opens up. Transforming I step through immediately. It doesn't take me long to find technus." Dann- I mean lord phantom what a surprise to see you here." I give a small wave.

"Technus I have a favor to ask of you?"
He eagerly floats down ready to here what I need from him. After all I've never asked anything of him before.

I quickly explain to him what I want done. By the end he's more then eager to do it." Oh man this is so exciting. I've always wanted to do this." I smile.

Me and technus work for a few hours on getting everything set up. Finaly it was time to shoot. I make a portal back to the dorms, hoping to walk through to my room but ended up in the livingroom. Luckily nobody was there except Aizawa. Who was asleep. We begin setting up the equipment and laptop moving some furniture around to fit what we need.

When we're finished I gently shake Aizawa awake not really wanting to be hit.

"Mr Aizawa. I have everything set up and I know what I'm going to say. He nods. I sit on the couch.

"Ok technus you ready?" He nods.

Aizawa sits on the other side of the room watching the t.v silently. Technus does a little typing and every t.v program haunts before suddenly showing me. I smile." Hello my name is Danny Fenton. I used to be just your average kid, until I half died. I came to Japan because a while ago my family died. I was taken in by some of the citizens here in Japan. It wasn't until recently I became very much aware that the reason behind my family's death was planned. It was a ploy to get me here to Japan. All orchestrated by a villain you probably all now know very well. All for one. He murdered my family and me." I show to the video of the battle between me, Allmight and All for one.

"I'm under scrutiny from the police right for using my quirk without the proper liscencing. But I want to know? If it had been you who had this all happen to, what would you have done differently than me. Would you have been to scared to move. Would you have done the same to me or possibly just given up? The heros were losing. I know many of you don't want to here it. But in some situations heros don't always win. That's the reality. Villians are growing stronger. We can't deny that. More heros are getting critically hurt everyday unable to return to the battlefield or to help save people any more. Now my question all of you is. Which everything that is going on, can we afford to have the people that are willing to risk their lives to save others and succeed, be thrown into jail for not having proper documentation? Yes things are put in place for a reason. But I'm sure even the remote places in this world has noticed the rising in crime over the last few months. Is this what it's really come down to out of desperation, throwing people in jail for just wanting to help?" I end the broadcast. Seeing Aizawa with his eyes closed and hand over his face.

"You really are a manipulative problem child. Are you trying to insinuate a riot to over throw the police or something?" I shrug.

"Either way I'm not going with them. Nothing they have can hold me anyway." He sighs. Suddenly Allmight busts through the door in his unpowered form. A look of fear showed on his face.

He pulls me into a hug holding me close." I understand your motives Danny, but even you have to know this will only cause chaos. Allmight phone suddenly rings. He picks up and theirs yelling on the other end. He changes the Chanel to the news.

On the screen was the video of me Allmight and All for one fighting." People across the globe are rallying against the police for the unfairness of justice system. Eyewitness reports of the fight have come forward to tell their take on what happened."

A man and woman both step forward. Both in their middle ages. The lady was holding a small child. That boy helped save all our lives. As much as I'd hate to say it, but Allmight wasn't doing so well in that fight. The boy helped fight the villian. Who knows what could have happened if he hadn't of helped. I'm sure more heros would be hurt if he hadn't of stepped in." The man beside the lady nods." Yah I'm greatful for his help. We love this city. It's our home. We need to protect it." They smile before stepping back and letting another person through. This was a young boy and his mother.

"In your own words mamm what can you tell us about the events that transpired just a few hours ago?" She grabs her sons hand." I feel bad for that kid. From what he said in the broadcast is seems like the villian has been trying to destroy his life for a long time now. Killing his family and even going as far as to flaunt it to the public. That villiam is sick. The boy is just a child. He shouldn't have to deal with things like this. I also feel the heros we put our faith in everyday didn't do much. Only one hero showed up to help fight. That's allmight. Then the boy appeared. I don't think the boy should be punished for something he had every right to do. He fought the villian and helped save the city and that horrible person got what they deserved. He's taken so much from that child. We shouldn't punish him for getting a little vengeance."

A sickening feeling filled my chest at that word. Was it try? Was I actualy doing all this for just vengeance against the pain. I deserved to though. He helped destroy the little bit of normalcy I had.

I'm stunned when another person walks to the camera. My already cold blood froze completely. Their stood Vlad Masters. He was in his human form and looked terrible.

He looked like he hadn't slept, eaten in days. Far to long for even a half ghost to go. Then ran over. His eyes were blood shot.

"Where is this being shot from?"

Allmight stares at me.

"Down town at Tokyo plaza, why?" I shake my head." I need to go." Before they can stop me I take off running phasing through the wall and flying to Tokyo plaza.

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