Mighty Kings 8

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"While viewing the timelines. This book came up. I hoped it to not be true, but our worst fear have come. The book was stolen from its sanctuary. Nobody, but frostbite and myself know of its location. Someone has taken it though, somehow."

I sigh." Clockwork we will get the book back. When you say corruption what do you mean by that. Will it turn someone evil or something?" He sighs.

"Daniel its been speculation fir a long time, but this book. Because we know so little about it and for the fact nobody we know of can touch it without falling victim to its corruption. We think it has come from hell itself!"

I think back on that for a few moments. Hell and heaven do exist, but we have no say on where a ghost goes after they move on.

I sigh. It was one thing after another." What can this book do exactly? Actually let me rephrase. What do you know the book can do exactly?"

Frostbite motions to clock work that he will explain." This book phantom. What we know for a fact it can do, because we've seen it with the previous rulers. It can turn the purest beings into something of nightmares. It once made an angel fall when it tried to take the book from the first ruler. Heaven won't meddle in affairs to do with it because of it. That was why it was in our care. We are sort of like mediators. Which is one of the reasons it is so important for us to keep everything in check. Heaven cares for the heavenly realm while hell cares for the underworld. We are connected to the human realm the opposite of life. As well as our own we have to take care of the humans.

The book can grant temporary life. It can allow a human to chang-" I stop him." This book can effect humans?" I ask, staring wide eyed at them. This was enough to make me panic more. After all he had said, i still only thought it affected ghosts or other non-human beings, but learning this changed everything. We had to find this book.

I create a portal back to the school crossing through. I get back to the school when I suddenly spot black tendrils in the distance. Flying closer I see it was midoriya. I spot Aizawa and allmight in the distance. I land next to them.

"So as far as I know now, midoriya has never done that. Is that something he's known how to do or should we Intervene?" I asks. Aizawa says nothing as Allmight stares. A slightly worried look crossing his face." Midoriya is strong. He can regain control." Allmight says, but he looked as if he was trying to believe his own words.

The test ends with midoriya finding out he had a new power. Clockwork told me about midoriyas future. All paths converge into one. Whatever he wishes and however long it takes. I will be there for him when it happens. I have to be anyway. I look over to Kat, seeing him giving midoriya a noogy. It puts a smile on my face seeing him beginning to open up and treat him like a friend again. Everything was going well..... for now.

My heart hurt thinking about the futures for this class. I don't know everything, just a few things clockwork thought I should know. It wasn't fair. Nothing was. Looking to the sky I turn. The clouds were growing dark. It's an unfitting weather for the day. I walk away from the scene. One thing clockwork told me was that I would leave the class to protect them. I don't understand, though. Why would I do that? If anything I should stay and help protect the class. I sigh to stop and lean against the building. I have to protect them. In whatever way I can, I will. Even if it means giving up my own life.

A few days go by with todoroki and Kat getting their hero liscences. I was so proud of them both. We all threw a party to congratulate them.

Time goes by quickly with more and more villian reports on the news. It was all over the place. Yagi asked that I promise not to get involved with the League of Villains, but that was simply something I couldn't do. There was a look of disappointment as he walked away.

It reminded me of a time when I had disappointed my dad and he had done the same, leaving my mom to give me my punishment for missing curfew so many times. It was one of the only memories I could remember of my dad being there.

I shake my head packing my suit case. I would be having my work study at Endeavors Agency. I'm grateful, but I can already tell this was going to be hell. An ice user surrounded by fire users. I've grown used to kats new found body heat because of his fire core, but too much still hurts. I meet the others downstairs.

Walking down stairs I see Endeavor standing there next to a girl with green hair. Another fire user. I could feel the beat radiating off of everyone. Todorokis ice side was the best, but the ice would melt in the car and make a mess. We put our luggage in the trunk. Everyone gets into the car." Come on Danny. My old man doesn't bite. I don't think so anyway!" Todoroki says, making me snicker.

"No sorry I think I'm going to fly. I have an ice core. Most of you use fire. Your body heat in the car would be too much for me. Besides it looks a bit cramped in there as it is." I say stepping back allowing my full ghost form to wash over me. The only difference in this form is that I'm in my kingly outfit rather than my t-shirt and jeans. I lift off watching as the door closes, and I follow after.

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