You messed with the wrong person

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As the day passed by everything was normal, Porsche used to call him every day usually at night they like to talk for hours abt their daily activity until Chay fell asleep. He used to send him money for his expenses and repay all the loans in a very short period which was quite surprising.

Every time Chay asked him to come back, he avoided and changed the subject. Chay didn't insist and was satisfied that his brother is okay.

But now it's been a week since Porsche didn't call him, this never happened since Porsche was gone. It's bothering him why he isn't picking up his calls n not calling him.

During the night shift of his job in a cafe all the time he was only thinking about Porsche not picking up his calls.

He tried to contact his friends but no one knew anything abt him.

" What if something happened to him Nah Nah I shouldn't think like that, everything will be okay my brother will be fine" the thought of something happening to his brother scared him.

He shook off the thought n sighed. slowly walked on the track letting the gentle breeze hit his face giving the sensation of peace and calmness.

he was heading home after the night shift ended. The cafe was not far from his house so he walked or ride a bicycle.

"I should call Uncle Tee he must know something " he took out the phone from his back pocket and checked the time it was 11: 10.

"Shiya, I'm late today. I've homework to do" he quickly turned to an alley.

Suddenly he stopped for a second and looked around feeling like someone is following him. It's been two days and he thought someone is following him but he shook it off as if it was his delusion.

The alley was dark some street lights were on, but their lights were dim that barely a person a three meter away could be seen.

He accelerated his walking speed, but then stopped with a jerk and took a glance back. He saw the shadow of someone hiding quickly. His heart dropped into his stomach.

"This can't be my delusion" he muttered.

his feet began to move unconsciously fast n at last he started running. His heartbeat was getting fast with each step, his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

Running with Twisting and turning through the alleys he finally reached his house's main gate.

He quickly opened the gate with heavy breaths and was about to enter when something sharp hit on the back of his head. A sharp pain spread through his body, and the world spun in his eyes, and abt to scream when someone put a cloth on his face and suppressed his scream.

Before knocking out he saw with his blurry vision two figures in black suits were dragging him n almost throwing him into the back seat of the car. He wanted to resist but he couldn't even move his lips felt like his energy was drained, his eyelids felt heavy. despite trying hard to open them his eyes slowly closed.

Kim's mansion

"Take all these documents to Mr. Somsak n tell him to meet me at the office tomorrow." Pointing to the files on the table in front of him.
" I'm not gonna wait for them if they don't agree we are moving to the next party make him this assure," he said in commanded voice.

Four men, three of them were middle-aged and were the heads of the three branches they have in Thailand and one of them was Kim's secretary Shawn was present in the meeting room.

Four men, three of them were middle-aged and were the heads of the three branches they have in Thailand and one of them was Kim's secretary Shawn was present in the meeting room

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Kim sat in front of them in a way that showed the power he holds. Black dean jacket with white pants, both hands on the table in clasped form, serious and dominating personality, he was the one.

"Yes sir, I'll inform them". Shawn said quickly.

"Any other problem" he raised one eyebrow looking at each one of them. The three men looked confused like they were in a state of whether they should tell him or not.

"One of my men told me" Mr. Mark dared to speak " Italian had sent a man for spying on us and for collecting information about our deal with the Russian " he stopped and looked at Kim." And he did"

Kim's expression changed with every word, from cold to angry, and then angry to furious.

"O-Our". He started stuttering looking at Kim's expressions
"men tried to catch him and are still trying..."

He shut his mouth with a loud thud sound as Kim banged his both hands on the table, stood up n leaning forward on the table.

"How long you all gonna keep this secret from me" his lips tightened and curled inward.

"W-wwe wanna sort this out on our own. At first, it wasn't a big deal we thought we can handle this but it'll be out of our hands we never thought that" Mr. Tay said trembling inside.

"So, what about the deal" ignoring his description he demanded looking at each one still leaning on the table.

There was a moment of silence in the room. They signaled each other through their eyes to speak first.

"They canc...
Kim banged his hands again on the table and stepped back


"You fucking telling me now telling me NOW when all the things fucked up" he shouted.

Started running his finger through his hair to compose himself.

This was an important deal for their company with Russians to strengthen their roots in Russia as well. Mr. White (Kim considers him as his father) especially gives him the responsibility to Kim but he was too busy so he gave this deal to the minor branches they have.

"Who was it? The spay. Who was it?" He clenched his jaw to control himself.

"We got the data sir, here is the file" Mr. Mark put the file in front of him.

"Porsche Kittiswat, currently living in Italy he is grounded by his gang. We are trying our best to approach him and made him pay for this" he gave a brief report.

"Ohh he has a brother Porschay living here" he added

Kim smirked, "now that's interesting, that's the weakness he has, we have to get hold of it ".

he put his both hands on the table and leaned forward looking each one straight in their eyes and said

" Bring him to me, his brother"
"He messed with the wrong person now he has to pay for this one way or another" knitted his eyebrows like he was thinking something

" You may go now" he stood up and clasped his hand behind the back.

They all started leaving the room.

"One thing more" all stopped and turned around to the voice coming behind them.

"Don't ever dare to keep secrets from me. Inform me on the spot " he raised his index finger.
" I'm letting this slip but this is your first and last chance remember"

"Yes sir," they said n walked out.

He left alone in the room and looked in deep thought like he was planning something.



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Here the fourth chapter. Kim and Chay will meet in the next chapter so please be patient. I hope you like the story so far :)

See you in next chp.

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