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Some children became mature before their age and Kimhan was one of them. He didn't like the activities that kids of his age do nor did he make friends...And most of the time he was silent and silently observing things.

Although he forgot everything because of the love he received from his foster parents, especially Mia. She took good care of this little child like his son and slowly he came back to his normal life... forgot the trauma and his mother's accident.
Or perhaps it's the time that heals everything as time is a big healer.

But as far now Everything was fine in his life except for those nightmares which hunted him every night due to which he hadn't slept peacefully like a common person throughout his life and with time it slowly became a part of his life.

He never talked about this to anyone, not even Mia, not to bother them and to be burdened with them.

After the death of Time when he was shot by someone, their lives changed and only Kim knew Time's death was a cold-blood murder. He was helpless at that time to do something but he vowed to himself that he would find out those murderers and would punish them one day.


" Porschay "

" Hun"

"I want to go with you somewhere. "
Kim held chay's hand caressing it slowly who was lying beside, his head on his chest.

"Somewhere we're alone... Away from this world... Just you and I"

" For your information... I'm a student and I have to take classes"

" Come on it's not like forever... Just for a few days"
Kim pouted and Chay unintentionally raised his head to look up at his expressions as a soft smile appeared on his face.

" Nope, I better be at home now. I've classes tomorrow and I can't miss anymore... already missed a lot" chay sat up ready to leave but Kim held his hand.

" You are still not alright... Stay here a little longer "

" I'm not that weak...P and It's already late" He pointed at the watch"I should go now "

" Ok, I'll drop you then" Kim also stood up.

" You..." Chay looked at him who was ready to go.

" Why, can't I..."

" N-no... I just P... You don't have to, P.Big would drop me"
He simply replied while tieing his shoes.

" It's ok, come on... let's go"

When Kim took on the driving seat Chay sat beside him.

He slowly turned his face towards Kim who was driving, a firm hold on the steering wheel and eyes focused on driving, he didn't why he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Yes, he looked handsome... A handsome devil, he thought.

" Yes I'm handsome"

Kim softly smiled and looked at Chay who quickly averted his eyes due to embarrassment.

WTH this monster could read minds...

"Yes, and I can read minds" Chay's eyes widened although it was a joke still he stopped his mind from further thinking.. what if Kim could actually read his mind?

Kim looked at Chay who was now silently looking outside the window.

"My offer is still valid... If you want to"
Taking a turn Kim slowly said eyes now focused on driving.

" Offer? Ohh that... I'm not sure about it"
Chay shrugged.

"But do consider it... You have time as much as you want"
He stopped the car in Infront of Chay's house.
Chay didn't ask how did he know his address, cuz he knew it wasn't difficult to find for this man.

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