24. Apart...

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Chay woke up and Kim wasn't at his side, he sat up and checked the time it was midnight.

He removed his mattress and put on his shoes and came out of the room.

There Kim was in the lounge. He was sitting on the couch with a laptop in his lap doing some work, he was busy.

Chay went back to his room and came out with a blanket and covered Kim from the backside.

Kim flinched and looked back " Hey, Why did you get up?"

" You weren't in the room"

"I was coming after finishing this"Kim looked at his sleepy eyes and felt a sudden rush of softness for him in his heart.

" come here "Kim lifted the blanket made room for Chay.

He sat and Kim covered him, pulling him closer.

"It's cold here" Kim kissed him on the forehead.

" Hmm"
Kim continued his work, the flash of the laptop was falling on his spectacles. It was the first time Chay saw him in the glasses, either way he looked handsome or for Chay he looked beautiful in anything.

" You want to say something," Kim asked while his eyes were on the laptop.

Chay quickly averted his gaze, he didn't notice that he was staring at him for long.

" P " at last he said.

" Hmm" Kim folded the laptop and kept it on the table, giving Chay full attention " tell me what's wrong?"

" I-I don't know from where should I start... I just want you to understand me "

"What is it?" Kim was worried now

" I don't wanna lose you P Kim" he held Kim's hand.

"Now seriously you're making me worry... What is it"
He started caressing Chay's hand softly.

"P.Kim You can do this legally, I know it sounds crazy but you can sue your father, we'll collect proofs, we will tell everything to the court they will bring us Justice... Just you stop it"

" Justice " Kim laughed mockingly"Are you out of your mind? You want me to risk our lives, your life, Kinn's life. I'm not an idiot Chay cuz those bastards " a sudden elevation in his voice but he lowered it instantly.
" Those fucking politicians and judges will never accept us...They can't help except they will come to our neck "

" But P. Kim you're not a monster...you're not a monster, you can't kill your father... do you?"

" I'm not killing him Chay"Kim's voice was more like a whisper.

" P then stop doing this please, I know it's hard but plz you will get nothing in the end" he repeated Kinn's words.

" Chay you know nothing about this world... where am I standing now? I'm scared now, back then I have nothing to lose but now I have... I have something precious in my life and... it's you. You're the most precious thing in my life and I'm scared"

" That's why I'm stopping you... Please for me" he had now tears in his eyes.

Kim placed his hand on his face slowly caressing his cheek.

" P let's go from here, we'll live away from here, away from this city, away from this world... together plzz P I don't wanna lose you here"

" We will... just let me finish things here first then we will soon" Kim patted his head.

" Promise me"

" I promise "

Chay hugged him keeping his chin on his shoulder.

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