A Nightmare

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Snow was falling. The soft flakes cascaded all around them, hitting each other with snowballs, the cackling of a little boy, smile, joy, and happiness everything was in this small family.

"Kimhan, don't let go" a woman in a white dress tight his grip on the little boy's hand.

"Why ma (Mom)." The little boy looked at his mom's blurred face, he didn't recognize her.

A sudden touch something colder than snow made a little boy jump. He saw a man in a hood and mask reaching for him as he pulled him, his hand slipped from his mother with a scream.

Then he found himself in a barren wasteland, the sharp, steady rocks and twisted evil forest everything was a blur, he didn't move. His mind was not capable of finding where he was.
The fire-hot sunlight, the relentlessness of the rocks, and the darkness of the silent trees everything was seeping through his body.

Then he heard hood crumpling, the glass shattering, and the sounds of the squealing and screeching tires. Then he saw the figure of a woman covered in blood. Everything was blurry.

"Maaa (mom)"

That was the last word that escaped from his mouth.

Kim's eyes snapped open and sat straight on the bed all covered in a cold sweat, He was breathing heavily with his head down.

He looked around the room suspiciously like a paranoid.
When he realized he is in his room he rubbed his head and eyes to calm himself.

He had the same dream twice this month usually he had it once a month or not at all. These dreams are chasing him since childhood.

He felt his throat dry. Turning on the lights he looked for water on the side table but the glass was empty.

He got off the bed, put on his slipper, and came out of the room to get some fresh air. When he was coming down the stairs he stopped as he heard the door banging noises coming from the basement, without a second thought he headed toward them.


Chay opened his eyes when he heard the sound of the unlocking door, he sat straight and thought it was Kim again, but it was a guard followed by a middle age woman a maid holding a tray in his hands.

"Keep it there," the guard said pointing to the ground.

the woman halted for a second in his place when he looked at Chay and then quickly put the tray on the ground and stepped back. There was something in the woman's eyes, something familiar as if she knew him.

"Eat it" the guard ordered him.

Chay left up his both tied hands as a sign of how he will eat with tied hands.

Guard came forward and untied his both hands.

They were still standing there waiting for him to finish the food. Chay looked at the guard and raised his eyebrow in annoyance "anything else"

guard took a deep breath and said to the maid "let's go".

Before locking the door she looked back at Chay one last time and walked out.

Chay didn't touch the food only took the water bottle and drank it all at once.

He stood up and started roaming around the room to find the way out but there was no window that he could try to open other than a small circle above the door.

He started searching for something through which he unlock the door but there was nothing except a small chair.

When he became disappointed he started banging on the door it was the only way.

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