His OBsession

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As Chay's duty hours ended he bowed to the lady owner and went out of the cafe he had to go home now and took the umbrella he brought with him cz it was raining since evening.

He started walking toward his home... As a car stopped beside him. At first, he paid no attention but when someone called his name, he looked back...It was Big

"Get In The Car Porschey Khrab..."
He almost shouted due to the noise of the heavy rain.

"No...it's ok, I can go by myself"

He shouted back and stepped forward but stopped when the window glass of the back seat lowered down...and saw Kim in the back seat.

"Get in the car Chay...will drop you"

" I'm fine P... I'll walk"

"In this rain... And in this dark "
The rain was getting heavier with each passing moment.
Chay strengthens his grip on the umbrella.

" I won't melt" probably.

" I said get in the car... Porschay"
This time Kim said in a firm tone.

Chay sighed folded his umbrella, opened the back seat door, and sat beside him.
He took a deep breath when felt the comfort...the feeling of dryness and coziness.

Kim looked at him whose nose was red due to coldness and his hair was all wet and stuck to his face.

He raised his hands and slowly removed the wet strands from his face.

" You'll catch a cold... You should be careful"

Chay was halted at his place just staring at Kim who was gently drying his hair ruffling it with his hands...

" P..."

" Hmm"

Kim looked at him who wanted to say something but was hesitant... biting his lower lip nervously.

Kim raised his both eyebrows.

" Nothing..."
Chay shook his head in denial and turned his face to the window looking outside.

As soon as Big stopped the car in Infront of his house, he looked at Kim once again and wanted to say it but stopped himself.... and stepped out.

Kim noticed his hesitation so he also got out of the car.

Chay stopped Infront of Kim.

"Thank you, Khrab... For the lift"

Kim hummed by nodding his head.

The rain had stopped now, just pouring lightly. Chay slowly walked toward his house.

Kim was standing there waiting for him to enter, but he stopped in a middle way and turned around to look at Kim, who was waiting. Chay didn't give a second thought to it and ran toward him and hugged him tightly.

It was all in just a second that Kim couldn't process but when realizes he hugged him back, caressing his back gently.

"Please stay with me... I'm afraid of being alone... I-I don't like this weather"

Kim held him by the shoulder facing him he softly smiled at him.

"Sure, I'll"

After giving Big some instructions Kim walked to the house while Chay already walked inside.
The moment he entered the lounge he saw Chay was drying his hair.

"You should first change your clothes... it's all wet"
Kim threw his jacket on the couch and
walked toward the window when lightning flashed cracking up the sky.
The rain had started tipping down again.
He looked back at Chay but wasn't there probably he had left to change.

Moonless | KimChay Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon