Don't Blame Me

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" We can't keep him here, try to understand "
Time had a hard time convincing her and he looked now really exhausted.

"And We don't know anything about him... and police matters... what about that"

"I don't wanna understand anything, I'll not let him go anywhere, we need him...Time, it's like a miracle for can't understand... I-I'm tired of living here alone"
She said in a shaky voice was about to cry.

"I understand but... Its a police matter, and we are going to report it now "
He was now annoyed repeating the same sentence.

" Please Time" she held his hand while begging.

He touched his neck in exhaustion.

"Fine, but we can adopt him legally if they send him to an orphanage" she wiped her face still a ray of hope in his heart that Time would understand her.

" Ok " he raised his hands with palms forward."do what you want to do but...legally"

"Thank you"
Finally, she smiled

And this was the beginning of another chapter of Kim's life.


Tay thought it would be better to leave cuz the Kim expressions were a sign that leave before I kill you here. so showing a forceful smile on his face, they left.

But he couldn't take his eyes off Chay's face until the end like he was the one that captured his heart.

When they left Chay quickly pulled off by pushing Kim, he didn't want Kim to hear his pounding heart against his chest.

And slide away a bit leaving a distance between them.
He was nervous and was sure that Kim will punish him later for the way he pushed him away from himself.

Kim of course didn't like the way Chay pulled away like something disgusting thing he didn't want to touch.
But how he expected from Chay anything when he knew he hated him?

He just clenched his fist controlling himself.

" We are leaving, come on"

Chay immediately stood up like a robot and followed him.

Kim didn't talk to him on the way back and neither did Chay. The whole way he was only thinking about what would Kim do to him he will definitely drag him to his room and..... He closed his eyes didn't want to think beyond it.

But to his surprise, nothing like this happened.
When they reached the mansion Kim got out of the car and without sparing him a glance headed to his room.

Chay stood there in wonder, his eyes followed Kim till entering his room.

What happened to him? and earlier in the club... why he is acting like this all of sudden?

He realized Kim was being gentle with him after that day when he dragged him to shower.

I don't believe that monster... maybe he is planning something huge.

He then shrugged off not wanting to think about him.
He headed to the washroom really need a hot shower after the stressful day.


It's been a week and Chay didn't see Kim after that day and nor he had been to his room, if he needed something he would ask Waan or Chan and Big.

He was ignoring him maybe, but he didn't care he was just happy that the monster was not hurting him anymore.

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