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"But still..."

"No a man who killed my mother ... And also... snatched my poster parents away from me" there was a clear pain in his voice

" Ruined my whole life, and still you want me to consider him as my father... a father who wanted to kill his own son"

He leaned forward and looked straight at Porsche's eyes.

" I've to find him that's it"

"Well, your father... I mean Mr.Kiet he also ruined my family"
Porsche sighed ad Kim leaned back again and pointed at the phone.

" Coffee"

Porsche ordered two coffees and continued.

" But still you should tell me it's a part of our teamwork..."

" Teamwork..." Kim mocked " if I hide something so did you"

" No, I skipped that cuz it was my father's fault too he was being nosey in Kiet business... and took his investigation too far while messing with the mafias.. and the thing is before doing it at least he should think about his family behind"
Porsche replied to clear his position.

"It wasn't his fault it was his duty and still if it was my father's fault its okay but why did he kill my mother"
Porsche gasped while running fingers in his hair.

" People think it was an accident... but it was a murder"

" I also have to find him too, I can't let him go, who ruined my family"

" So you're repeating your father's mistake right"
Kim raised an eyebrow in a question.

"That's why I came to you" Porsche paused when heard a knock on the door.
A servant came in and placed the coffee on the table in Infront of them when he left Porsche continued again.

" U Know Diamond Cuts Diamond" he picked up the cup and took a sip.

"And Why did you think I'll help you"
Kim was now comfortably leaning back on the chair legs crossed.

" Well, we have the same back story a little... Same target" he pointed at Kim" but to be honest I didn't know Kiet is your father otherwise I would never have come to you"

" Hmm, and Our plan would have succeeded, but you fucking ruined everything " Kim wasn't angry he was just disappointed.

"Well, that's...."
Porsche touches his neck feeling uncomfortable.

" They still think you're the Italian spy" Kim raised his hand to pick up the cup.

" I handled it, if not you both would have been killed by now"

" Both...." Porsche's eyes widened and hastily asked " how's Chay... he is with you right"

His question tugged Kim's heart for a second.

" I told you I handled the whole situation" not making eye contact he paused for a second to take a sip of coffee " he is okay"

" Kim..." Porsche looked at him in disbelief " what did you do to him"

" Nothing, I've to cope with the situation, to clean the mess you created by exposing yourself" he now placed the cup on the table, stood up and walked to the window looking outside, and continued.

" They thought you are the Italian spy and spying on Mr. White's deal with the Russians..... So as expected the deal was canceled " he shrugged off " and they must have investigated about you.... and found out you have a brother too " he sighed looking down but his eyes fell on the small bird which was stuck in the fence between the gap of the two rods.

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