Chapter One..... Overseas

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Chapter One- Overseas

Elizabeth POV

I realised I was dreaming again, its a dream I  have recurring quite often.

I could see the air hostess walking past asking passengers if they wanted refreshments. I turned my head to see my little boy by the side of me sleeping.

Today was a the start of a new life for me and Alex, I never dreamed of moving away from our first home, its such a big step to take but I needed to get away for a while. Someone once said

"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path".

Our path so far has taken 9 and half hours on a plane, were just about to land.

I was married to my first and only love Jeremy Miles, we met at university, as soon as we graduated I fell pregnant and had our son.

Jeremy carried on with his career and is a barrister in London. We have a family home in the country its by a mountain called the Tal Y Fan , the views are breathtaking, the cottage is quaint and homely, I thought it was perfect for our family.

Jeremy had other ideas he never liked our country home, he was working in London and coming back weekends , it didn't take long and he purchased an apartment in the city. I wanted us to be together more so we moved to London.

It never suited me, I worked as a secretary in school hours which suited me and Alex at our old place, Jeremy wanted me at home more so I was bored to tears in our new apartment and I didn't know anyone.

I enjoyed my visits from my father that was once a week and we didn't get to see Jeremy any more than before.

He was always busy with work or that's what he told me, I found out later he was having an affair with one of his colleagues, Rachel May Daniels one of the partners of the law firm he worked with.

She was the opposite to me, made me wonder why he was attracted to me, or if he ever was, since finding out about the affair, we divorced it has made me doubt myself and I haven't got the confidence as I once had.

Rachel was seven years older than me, she was immaculately dressed in suits daily, her blonde hair styled in a perfect bob, bright red lipstick her flawless skin, she was career minded person who never wanted children and loved city life, that's what Jeremy told me he also said she understood him more they have a lot in common,

she made him feel alive. That's what stuck in my head the most, it pained me that I was never enough for him and what about Alex, he never mentioned him in his explanation on his true love.

I knew what I had to do, I left London to our other home and moved on, I found that there was too many memories in our country cottage, we needed a change, a big change, that I made the ultimate move across Atlantic to Montana.

When I was a child we use to visit Montana, it was only when my mom was alive.

One night at the cottage I was clearing out an old trunk in the attic, and found old photographs of my mother, there was one that caught my eye it was one of me and my Mother outside a beautiful painted white house,

it looked a grand place with large grounds well kept gardens we were both smiling in the picture it was perfect happiness and that's what I wanted for me and Alex. I spoke to one of my father's advisers telling him I found this place of haven, he looked surprised when I showed him the picture, but informed me that my father still owned the house,

he couldn't part with it as my mom loved it so much but he never visited as there was nothing left for him there.

When I asked my father to let me move there with Alex, he wasn't pleased, it took a lot of convincing, he helped arrange the travel, moving our few home comforts, he said he would provide a car, just wanted us safe and made me keep our other home to come back whenever we can. When we board the plane it was an emotional good bye.

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