Chapter Twenty Six .................I Do

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Chapter Twenty-Six I Do

Elizabeth POV

It was evening time, all the children were washed, changed and in bed including Saskia, I found time to have a shower and put on my PJ's on. Liam wasn't back yet, Newman was outside checking the area, he had been out there for a while, I kept thinking what Newman told me, he could handle himself, but it didn't stop the worry.

I laid on my bed looking at Saskia in her Moses basket sleeping, it wasn't long and I fell asleep. I didn't know how long I was sleeping for, but I could feel someone shaking me awake, I opened my eyes to see Newman standing in front of me

"huh, what's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you"

"Ok, tell me?"

"Let's go into the kitchen"

"oh, let me take the baby monitor with me"

I got out of bed, I had my shorts and vest top on, Newman's eyes went dark, Newman grabbed a rope for me to put on.

"you better put this on"

"I'm not cold, I'll be fine? Thanks anyway"

"No, it's not for your benefit but for mine"

"oh, you don't like me in this?"

"No, I need to talk to you, and I will get distracted, it's taking all I have not to take you on this bed now?"

I blushed.

We checked Saskia and walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs, I sat on the stool on the kitchen island, I noticed two cups of coffee waiting.

"Expecting someone"

"I thought you would like coffee when we talk"

"Thanks" I started to drink the coffee

"before we start, I meant what I said I love you Lizzie, your beautiful, Sexy, there is no one I want more than you right now? it took a lot of figuring out and let fear stop me from being with you when you need me the most, I will always regret that, I want everything with you"

Newman sat next to me touching my face, I touched his hand and kissed it.

"I love you, I to want everything with you"

"You can't believe how happy I am to hear you say that. We will continue this later if I'm not pushing my luck"

"Can't we talk now"

"I really would like to, but Liam is on his way here, that's why I woke you, I was going to talk to you and Liam wanted to be here?"

"I'm worried now? Have you made coffee for Liam?"

"Leave the worrying to me, and no I don't make coffee for no one"

"You did for me tonight?"

"Yes, but that's different, it's you"

"aww I feel special"

I leaned into Newman and kissed him, then I could hear the front door opening I pulled away from Newman sharply, Newman scowled but didn't say anything. Liam walked in the kitchen and could sense the tension.

"wow have I missed something; you look like your hand was caught in the cookie jar L Bear"

"Let's not mess around Liam, can we talk now?"

"Yes, but I need coffee?"

"One coffee coming right up?"

I made the coffee, Newman, Liam and I stood around the kitchen.

Newman's Prospects Book One (Elizabeth) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang