Chapter Twenty Three ............It's Time

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Chapter Twenty-Three It's Time

Elizabeth POV

Time passed quickly, nothing changed much expect for me and Alicia's tummies seem to grow rapidly. It was a cold winter, I was banned coming into the clinic some day's because Liam was worried for me, if I would slip on the ice, I wanted to work if I could, it took my mind off Newman not seeing him, deep down I believed he would have changed his mind and would come to me and he would be there for the birth and give me the support I needed I only had a couple of weeks left before the due date, Liam would check all my vitals and the baby's heart rate most days, everything was all normal. I didn't mind being at home when Nia and Alex were home, but felt lonely when it was just me, Liam wasn't too far away but he still had work to do.

It was March and it started to feel like spring, still a chill in the air but I loved spring ever since I was little and when I  was back at my father's home, you would see lambs, and lots of daffodils and the lighter nights, it always cheered me up.

Alex had his birthday last month he's seven now, Nia's birthday was next week she will also be seven, I was planning a butterfly themed birthday party. Alicia offered to help me make the cake and wanted the party at the pack house, I only go there to the clinic side for checkups and scans, I  couldn't bare seeing Newman, what if he had moved on, probably with Andrea and I wasn't confident in my appearances, and my hormones were everywhere it was wise not to go to the pack house. I had to convince Alicia of this.

It was Sunday, Nia was excited about her birthday that was on Wednesday, Katie took Alex and Nia out shopping for the day, while Liam had to go in to the clinic for the afternoon, I stayed home, I decided to do a spot of gardening and clear the weeds the best I could around the front of the house.

I knelt the best I could in front of a flower bed and started to pull the weeds and turn the soil.

I tried to get up for a tea break, once I  managed to get myself on my feet, I cried out, I was having sharp pains, they must be contractions, I took my time to get myself to the front door.

"Stay there just until Uncle Liam comes, please my little one?" I said out loud to myself

I tried ringing Liam's cell phone and pack house main phone number but there was no answer. I tried ringing Liam's cell again.

"Please pick up" I could hear: please leave a message after the beep? "Liam it's Lizzie please come home, I need your help, I think I'm in labor?"

I tried to walk around the kitchen to calm myself, I could hear the front door open, then Willis walked in.

"Hi Willis?" I was holding my stomach

"Are you alright Lizzie, I could hear you from the lake?"

"I think I'm in labor and I can't get hold of anyone?"

"I will mind link Liam, don't panic"

"thank you?" I struggled to reply

Willis came closer to me

"Liam will be here soon; do you want me to do anything for you?"

"I need to get my bag? in my bedroom "

"I will get it"

Willis ran up stair's and collected my large hospital bag and took it to the front door ready for Liam, he then went back into the kitchen to keep me calm.

"This place is nice now"

"You haven't been in here since it was renovated?"

"No, I have been past the outside but not inside, not until today?"

"Your more than welcome to come in any time, maybe join Nia and Alex in one of their computer games?" I had a sharp pain

"Are you alright?"

"Yes? or you could join us for steak night, we still haven't done that, and I promised?" I smiled

"Yeah, I would like that? Lizzie umm are you having a girl? I mean I have heard Alicia talking" he sounded shy?

"Yes, it's going to be a little girl? she will have you all on your toes if her kicking has anything to go by?" I was struggling to finish my sentence

"She will be my.... sister?" he was looking at his feet

"Sorry I should of spoke to you before, she will be your sister? did your dad tell y..."

"NO, I mean he wouldn't, but Uncle Eric the Alpha explained he wanted me to know"

"Of course, you need to know, I'm glad that Eric told you"

"can I have spent time with her?"

"Yes, I would love you to come and see her, any time Okay"


"Be nice for her to have two older brothers and an older sister to play with"

"Liam is outside, do you need me to help you to walk to the door"

"if I don't squish you, we can try"

Willis helped me the best he could to the door before Liam took over.

"How are you"

"Uncomfortable, but I have had good company"

"Thanks Willis"

"That's Okay, Liam can I come with you and Lizzie in the car"

"let's get Lizzie to the pack house, I need to see how far gone she is"

Liam eased me in the front of the car, Willis went in the back of the car.

Liam drove.

"Where are Alex and Nia?"

"they are back from shopping, but I have asked Katie to take them to Alicia, she will look after them until you are well with the baby"

"If you are alright with this"

I nod

Liam looked in his rear-view mirror to see a very worried and concerned Willis.

Liam turned and smiled at Willis to reassure him.

We arrived at the pack house Liam helped me stand up and walked me to the clinic, Willis followed.

I was lying down on the hospital bed, Liam told Willis to look after Alex and Nia while I was in labor. Liam checked me to see what was happening. I could feel the contraction's getting worse, coming more regular

"this baby doesn't want to hang around L Bear, it's time to start pushing"

Liam had Alicia to come and give me some support while he concentrated on the baby, Alicia held my hand and helped with me with my breathing.

"Who's looking after Alex and Nia?"

"Katie is looking after them and Willis hasn't left their side"

"He's a good kid?"

"He is? he cares for you, a lot"

"I care for him too"

I was in a sitting position with a white blanket covering my bottom half, I was exhausted from trying to push, not wanting to wait any longer to see our little baby, I kept pushing.

"One more, just one more push, I can see her"

Newman's Prospects Book One (Elizabeth) Where stories live. Discover now