Chapter Twenty Four ....................Saskia

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Chapter Twenty Four- Saskia

Elizabeth POV

I could hear her cry then Liam pulled the baby from under the covers, to show me our baby girl. I had tears in my eyes holding our little girl in my arms for the first time, she had dark hair and the bluest of eyes you have ever seen, they were like her fathers. Then I started to feel dizzy and tired, Liam could see this and gave Alicia the baby.

"Could you take the baby next door and look after her and ask Jack to come and help me with Lizzie" he sounded serious

"Is she going to be alright, Lizzie can you hear me, Lizzie?"

"I will look after Lizzie, go now"

"What's wrong?"

"She is losing blood, but I need to attend to her"

Alicia walked out the door, Jack walked past Alicia and opened the door to help Liam.

I could see what was happening, but it was like the world going in slow motion, the last thing I heard was please be alright Lizzie Alicia whispered and then darkness

Liam POV

I had been staying at the pack house, which I hasn't done since I was a teenager, it felt strange to be back, but was only because of Lizzie, it has been weeks and Lizzie hasn't woken up, she lost a lot of blood and gained an infection, then she slipped in to a coma. I wanted to be as close to Lizzie as possible, Nia, Alex and Willis have been visiting Lizzie, they have been sleeping in Willis's room keeping each other company.

Alicia, Olivia, Katie have helped with the baby. Once Newman heard the news he went and left for a few days, he came back but he was drinking then Eric our alpha band him from the pack house. It felt very dark at the pack house everyone was hoping Lizzie would regain conscious soon or at all?

Each day became the same, no changes. I ran a few tests on the baby girl, she was healthy and strong she also carried the wolf gene, that's as much I could find for now, when she develops more we will know if she will be able to change, what other characteristics she will gain.

When I told Alpha Eric his results from the baby girl, Eric was amazed, they have never heard or seen a half wolf baby before. Alpha Eric told the rest of the pack the news of the baby, she will be treated like the other werewolf children and no different and no one will tell any other packs of this baby, as it will bring danger to the girl and the whole pack, everyone visited the baby a few at a time and asked how Lizzie was, I was pleased how the pack accepted the new arrival and were asking for Lizzie. Some of the members took Alex and Nia out of the house to try and cheer them up. No one was sure what will happen all they could do is wait.

I went to see Lizzie like I had done every morning, she looked beautiful and at peaceful lying there on the hospital bed, I kissed her forehead and whispered to her.

"I know you can hear me, you need to wake up now, there is a little girl who would love to meet her mother properly, Alex and Nia who are missing you terribly, Willis has been looking after them and he talks to the baby every day".

I had to stop myself, started to get emotional again, I can't get out of my head that this isn't Deja vu and Lizzie isn't my sister, I can't lose both of them. I just can't.

"I miss you, you were or are more than a friend to me you're like my sister, and I have lost one, I'm not prepared to lose another, so be strong like I know you can be and fight L bear, fight"

I walked out of the room, and went to see the baby girl, when I opened the door, Alicia, Nia, Alex, Willis and Taylor were talking to the baby.

"Hi everyone"

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