Chapter Twenty Two .................Christmas

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Chapter Twenty-Two Christmas

Elizabeth POV

As true to Newman's word I didn't see him, it had been seven weeks since he told me, he would stay away from me. I had settled into Willow Creek house, still there was a part of me thinking there was something missing but tried to be upbeat for the sake of the children and my sanity. the winter had truly started it was cold but looked beautiful and picturesque outside, Christmas was only a fortnight away the children were excited, I decorated with Christmas decorations around the house, Liam bought two of the largest fir trees I have ever seen, he helped decorate, we placed one in the hall and one in the living area by the open fire, the place looked magical.

Today Liam wanted to scan me, he already done the twenty week scan which was the important one, the baby was developing well, no abnormalities, I felt well in myself, when I waited for Liam to check the baby's measurements I couldn't stop thinking where was Newman I wanted him here more than anything but he didn't come, Liam asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby but I said not just yet, maybe I was in denial but a part of me kept thinking Newman would of changed his mind and we would be here together and find out the sex of the baby together. Liam caught me saying to Alicia that I had a few twinges yesterday, now he wants to check if everything is alright.

Alicia came to the house for afternoon chat, see showed me her twelve-week scan.

"I can't believe it Alicia; you are going to have your hands full?"

"I know, we tried to have a baby for years and now I'm having twins?"

"I'm so pleased for the both of you?"

"Thank you, I must say Lizzie you have grown since the last time I saw you, you have a lovely round bump"

"Yeah, it sort of happened suddenly?"

"Have you told your father now? is he coming here for Christmas?"

"It was a long, long, long discussion, but yes? he knows, it wasn't easy telling him about the father not wanting..."

"I'm sorry Lizzie..."

"It's not your fault, anyway he will not join us for Christmas, he doesn't want to step a foot in that house, he hasn't since my mother died, it brings too many good and bad memories for him. I feel terrible that he will be spent Christmas without us, but I didn't want to risk flying under the circumstances" I felt sad

Liam walked into the kitchen.

"Don't worry L Bear, we will visit him next year with the new baby, he will love that"

"Your right?" I smiled; Liam always made me feel better about a situation

"are we ready to go? Alicia, you don't mind watching these two while I scan L Bear" Liam holding Alex and Nia's hands

"Yeah of course, I bet you fancy my chocolate log cake with a glass of milk"

"YES!" the both cried

"Thank you, Alicia"

"No problem, I might a have slice myself, oh look at the size of my belly" Alicia laughing and rubbing her belly

"Remember you have two?" I giggled with her

I was lying down on the hospital bed.

"I'm okay Liam, you know it was just maybe movement?"

"We need to be careful about the fact this hasn't happened before I need to look after you, if it's over the top, so be it?"

"How is everything looking?"

"Baby is looking healthy..." he smiled deep in thought

"That's good. what are thinking and smiling about?"


"Please tell me?"

"If I tell you, it will spoil the surprise of the baby?" he raised his eyebrow

"Oh, well it wasn't so much as a surprise, it was just...never mind"


"Nothing, will you tell me the sex of the baby?"

"Are you sure L Bear?"

"Yes, I will paint the room ready now?"

Liam smiled.

"I don't know why your smiling, your helping?"

"I can arrange someone..."

"No, you're helping"

"arggg alright"


"It's a little girl?"

"wow I really thought I was having another boy?"

"Pink walls it is?"

"Maybe, we will get Nia to help, she will love that?"

"she will think this baby is a doll and dress it like a fairy"

"That will be cute"

I got dressed ready to leave the pack clinic, Liam helped me put my coat on.

"You didn't tell me what you were thinking about earlier, with this little girl" I rubbed my belly

"I was thinking how beautiful she will be just like her mother, all the boys will be after her, I need to buff up and stop them"

I couldn't stop laughing thinking about how protective Liam and the boys will be, God help any boy that wanted to date her.

Newman's Prospects Book One (Elizabeth) Where stories live. Discover now