Chapter Nine........Shocked

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Chapter Nine-Shocked

Elizabeth POV

"Jeremy what do you want?"

"No how are you, I have missed you?"

"But I haven't missed you"

"What about my son?"

"Your welcome to call after school when he gets home and speak to Alex yourself, but I don't need to talk to you"

"I would like to come and see my son, but you left the country?"

"I did tell you at the time, but you were with her"

"Will you stop being jealous, you know what it's like the first couple of months when you start going out with someone"

"No, I don't know it was a complete let down, I do know now what I was missing out"

"And what's that meant to mean"

"Forget what I said, call later to talk to Alex OK"

"Lizzie, you listen to me don't do anything you might regret, I'm wrapped up in a case now I will try to get to see you"

"Your welcome to see Alex, but you don't have a say in my life anymore so keep out and don't ring me in work, bye" I was shaking with anger, how dare he.

I walked to the back of the clinic opened the doors for fresh air, I felt like I was going to explode. I sat on the step thinking about what Jeremy said, what was his game, something has gone wrong with Rachel, if he wants to go back to what we had before he had another thing coming.

"It can't be that bad, I'm back no need to pine" Liam stood behind me

"God, you frightened me"

I stood up and hugged him

"I missed you too L bear, but what's wrong I know it's not Newman because he was with me, so what's happened?"

"Why was Newman..."

"Forget about that, tell me what's upset you?"

I stared at Liam's eyes they changed a different color.

"What is wrong with your eyes?"

"Forget about that just tell me"

"Keep out of it, you obviously like keeping things from me and I need to get back"

"Lizzie" he shouted

I carried on working, every now and then I looked at the computer and seen Liam was emailing me, but I choose to ignore him, I knew I must speak to him soon, but not now.

I went to the car after finishing work to collect Nia and Alex from school, I reversed out of my space went to go forward and Liam stood in front of the car.

"I'm not moving until you speak to me" he shouted

I opened my car window.

"Are you mad, I must go and collect Nia and Alex?"

"Once you have will you take them to mine, I will meet you there?"


When I parked outside the school, Nia, Alex and Willis were talking.

"Hi guys?"

"Lizzie is dad home?"

"Yes, you can't wait to see him"

"I can't, can Willis come with us, baseball practice was cancelled so he has to wait around no one will be able to come get him?"

Willis looked at me pleading to take him as he fidgets with baseball bat.

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