Chapter Eight.....Willis

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Chapter Eight -Willis

Elizabeth POV

I took Nia home, after lunch Liam rang to say he was back but he had paperwork to go through at his house and asked if I could bring Nia to his.

I pulled outside Liam's house; the door opened with a very tired looking Liam smiling at her.

"Come in L Bear"

"Are you sure you look terrible?"

"Thank you, I look tired but hot right"

"Yeah that's what I meant" I rolled my eyes

"come on I'll order Chinese my treat, might throw in a foot rub"

"I'm a sucker for Chinese, but no touching my feet"

"Deal, now get your butt into the house"

Nia and Alex went upstairs to play, Liam poured us a glass of wine each.

"Nia mentioned that my cousin was at yours today?"

"Cousin? not sure what you mean?" lying through my teeth

"Don't give me that, you know perfectly well I meant Newman, what was old sour puss wanting"


"And I know Jeff was there spill now?"

"Well I need my house renovated so I called Mason builders for a quotation, Newman is also quoting me. these days you need to shop around"

"I would believe you, but Newman shouted at Jeff to get out of the house, so why would you lie to me?" he looked hurt

"I don't want to lie to you, it's just awkward and"

"You know what don't tell me, I don't want to hear details" looking disappointed

"Liam" I cry

"What I am going to say is I disapprove of Newman; he is broken he's no good to know one"

"I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you about Willis, I couldn't the other day"

"Newman fell in love with Jenna it was more than love they had a bond that no other woman could replace, Newman in school was very popular with the girls, he had everything going for him, great at sports, charming. After school, he had the business, nicest house, most expensive cars, a few years past and he went to meet family in Colorado, then he met Jenna, he changed overnight. He bought her new home she lived with Newman he was completely faithful, ignored any other women. She had everything she wanted, the house was modeled around her, new car, perfect couple. They tried for children for a long time, then Jenna was pregnant and I swear I haven't seen Newman so happy, Jenna was close to her due date and was confined in the house, Newman had a call to go and help with an issue, told Jenna to stay put. The next thing we know is that there was a car accident, Jenna was driving and went into labor and hit in to a ditch, when they got to the scene it was touch and go, they saved Willis but the birth was too much for her and she died. It Destroyed Newman, he never lived in their house again, he didn't show any interest with Willis, he Blame's him, Willis is watched by Newman's brother's wife who you met, Angie. Newman let go of most of his responsibilities and his brother Eric stepped in and become in charge of the business. I know what happened was tragic, but Willis has had a rough time with his father and doesn't deserve the crap he must go through, it really upsets me"

"Newman sleeps around, nice to them one minute and then treats them like dirt the next. I will say this he will never change, and I hope that ANY woman that hooks up with him has the sense to not have any expectations that they can change him"

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